Matthew brushed his black hair out of his face, holding up his camera to snap a picture of the rocks by the tracks. The picture slowly printed and he grabbed it, started shaking it slowly, and walked along the tracks, waiting for the film to develop. Once the picture developed he cringe and shoved it in his bag. He just couldn't find the perfect picture for his photography class. None of them turned out how he wanted. And Mr. Parker had faith in him that he could do one of the best pictures for this project.
Matthew continued walking, camera in hand as he looked around trying to find anything that could be a good picture. He sighed and sat down on the tracks, carefully setting the camera down beside him.
Matthew Bakeman was 17 years old, was in Grade 12, had Black hair, as well as crystal blue eyes, he always wore black, was always the shy one in school, and loved writing and photography. His family life was okay, but not the best. He had money, he dad left him when he was six, and he lived with his grandma and mom. His mom, Stacey Bakeman was amazing and always accepted Matthew for who he was, his grandma, Lizzy Bakeman, on the other hand want Matthew to be a perfect boy, who would grow up and have a perfect job, with a perfect wife, and perfect children. Problem is, Matthew was Bisexual and didn't really like anyone and he hates children. He just never got along with them and never liked them. He has a sister but she is much older than him. Her name is Rose Litel, twenty-eight years old, married, and has two kids. She lives in Florida, and Matthew is stuck living in Colorado. Which is a Twenty-eight hours driving, 618 hours walking, and 173 hours biking. Matthew didn't know his sister that well anymore because they just never get to talk.
Matthew sighed and picked his camera back up, just staring at it.
"Hello? Earth to Matthew!" A voice called out as Matthew turned and saw Oliver standing behind him.
"Sorry... just... thinking..."
"It's fine man, no need to apologize. Hey, I found where the tracks lead to... it's pretty cool if you ask me! We should walk down there together... maybe you can found a good picture-looking thing down there!"
"... I guess..." Matthew replied as he stood up and walked over to Oliver. Oliver has been his best friends since 5th grade, and no one could separate them ever since. Oliver had dark brown hair, grey eyes, and somehow always seemed like a perfect teenager. He came from a rich family, but his parents fought a lot, he went through a few girlfriends and boyfriends, and had a younger brother and sister. He may seem perfect, but once you really get to know him, you know he's not. He moved to Colorado from Ohio when he was in 3rd grade.Oliver grabbed Matthew's arm and started walking down the tracks.
"So we won't get lost right? You know where we are going?" Matthew asked as Oliver smiled and nodded.
"Yep, have this whole place marked already." He replied as Matthew gave him an unsatisfied glare, which went unnoticed by Oliver of course.
"My mom wants us back by five Oliver..." Matthew mumbled as Oliver groaned.
"Dude I know! It's only One, and we will head back in like two hours! Don't worry dude we will be fine!" Oliver said as he let go of Matthew's wrist and walked ahead of him, at a quicker pace. Matthew rushed to catch up to him.**********
The tracks finally started to lead into a forest after crossing a small bridge. Matthew was walking along the tracks, as Oliver walked on it.
"I hope a train hits you." Matthew said with a smile as Oliver stopped and glared at him.
"You don't mean that... besides... these tracks are abandoned... so... unless they randomly started being used again... it won't happen." Oliver said as he kept walking, Matthew shortly behind him.
At one point the tracks split, into two different
"Maybe we should head back..."
"And miss out on a wonderful adventure! Come on Matthew dont be such a baby, we will start heading back after thirty minutes, I just wanna check it out!." Oliver said as he went down the right set of tracks. Matthew hesitated a bit and then started following.
After about thirty minutes Oliver stopped and looked around.
"Um... I think we are lost.."
"I'm Sorry! Okay! I didn't pay attention to where we were going and the track split into two directions more than once and I dont know where we are!"" Oliver said as he rushed a hand through his hair.
"Let's just... start heading back the way we came-"
"Wait! Look! There's the edge of the forest, and there's a road! Let's find some help!" Oliver said, and before Matthew could stop him, he was already off towards the road. Matthew sighed and ran off towards Oliver.They arrived by the edge of the road and looked both ways. A car was coming from off in the distance. Not far enough to see them though.
"This is what happens when we are stupid and don't bring our cellphones." Oliver commented as Matthew laughed and nodded. Soon enough the car was close enough to see them, and pulled over by the side of the road. Matthew couldn't make out, who was in the car, but he could tell that's there was at least two, maybe one in the back, but he couldn't tell. But for some reason... he just had a bad feeling about them.

AdventureAll Matthew wanted to do on the train tracks that day was take pictures for his photography class with his best friend Oliver. Oliver however, being the little explorer he is had different things in mind. While getting lost on the train tracks in th...