My Aunt's Doll

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Chapter 1: my new doll

It was my birthday, September 22, and my aunt had just passed away a couple days ago. She remembered my birthday though, because my mom handed me a package saying it was from my aunt. I opened it and I found a beautiful porcelain doll with bleach blonde hair, and chocolate brown eyes. It was beautiful!! I imediatly opened it and sat it down next to me while I opened all of my presents.

I waited for all of my friends to get here, the doll still in my arms. She looked life-like, but so pretty!! The doorbell rang, interrupting my thoughts. I opened it, and my friends Capriel, Jenna, Carrie, and Grace all looking at me with huge smiles.

"Happy birthday!", they all said at the same time.

They all said that my doll was beautiful, just as I said before. They all agreed that it was so sweet and looked like a real girl, that is, until that night.

We were all having a sleepover and everyone was asleep except for Capriel and I, and if I didn't mention, my name is Macey. We were bored so we decided to prank the others girls that there was a killer in the house and wake them all up and hide some where.

We were melting the blueprints on where to go and what to do, when we heard a huge WHACHING!, like some metal scraping together. We just shook off the sound as my cat on the counter and dropping a fork off of the clean dishes. Then, we heard Grace scream.

Capriel and I jumped so high we almost touched the cieling. We ran up the stairs and found Grace, lying helplessly on the floor. All of my other friends had disappeared, along with my doll. I ran around the house trying to find them, nowhere to be found. We were just about to open the closet door and we heard Carrie scream. This time we were so freaked out, we jumped in the closet and hid there for what seemed like forever. We were so scared, we thought we were going to pee our pants!

Then we heard something. Singing. A devilish, sweetish mix of a sound. Whispering in our ears.

"Tiptoe, by the window, through the night, but what you don't know, is that I'm right behind YOU."

It sang in our ear, over and over, hearing that creepy song. We hit the button on our iPhones and put it where the sound was coming from. There was nothing there. We were creeped out even more, so we decided to get out of the closet. We heard Carrie scream again, and we then heard the song again. We ran into my room and found Jenna and Carrie in a corner, screaming and agreeing that they were going to call their moms and go home. Capriel and I decided to act like we didn't hear anything and just asked what was going on.

"We heard this creepy song and we looked behind us like it said to and there was a bloody knife. Where's Grace anyways?" Jenna said.

"Ummmmm.... We were scared and we went to my room and found her dead on the floor." Said Capriel.

"That's it. We are LEAVING!", Jenna said.

"No, we need to find who's doing all this." I said.

"Ok." Carrie said.

Me, Capriel, and Jenna were looking in the kitchen and we heard Carrie scream.

We ran upstairs to find Carrie, hanging by the ceiling. We were running down the stairs and when we got down there, the power went out. We went to the kitchen and grabbed 3 flashlights. We turned around and Jenna was missing. Capriel and I ran out of the house and down the road. We went to her house and told her mom, but of course, she didn't believe us. Wig said that we were going to take her to my house and have her see for herself. When we got there, there was my doll, lying in my doorway. We thought that someone was playing with it and dropped it. We were determined to find the 'Thing' that was doing all this. Killing TWO of my best friends. We will find this out.

TO BE CONTINUED... Who do u guys think it was? The doll or something else?! Fan, vote, and comment!! Thanks for reading!

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