n i n e t e e n || the new girl

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As the months start to change and autumn starts to roll around, the sky cascades into darkness faster. A black sky is all Nessa sees as she peers out the glass, the world beyond the window seeming so close but so far all at once. When the clock strikes ten and the phone doesn't ring, Nessa starts to pack up her things, turning the desk lamp off with a flick of her wrist and closing her log book.

The elevator doors have already opened and Nessa's two seconds from leaving the floor when the phone rings. And she doesn't know what, but something compels her to sprint back to her desk at full speed like she's on a track.

Nessa's panting when she picks up the phone, a consequence from her lack of stamina.

"You know I was just about to leave right?"

"I know it's getting late. I'm sorry for calling past ten," Liam apologizes. "If you need to go somewhere, I can call back at another time."

"Well maybe if you have a good reason, I'll consider staying on." She pauses. "But only if you have a good reason, Liam."

Nessa hears rustling on the other line, the sound of drawers opening and closing. Liam leaves her hanging for what she counts to be 37 seconds.

"I was looking for something. I really thought I lost it."

"What were you looking for?" she asks, a little curious now that he's brought it up.

"Something exciting happened last night, Nessa. Something really exciting."

"Where'd you go?"

"I went to a party on campus for the first time months, and I actually enjoyed it."

Apparently yesterday was a popular day to hold parties. Nessa can't get the horrible music out of her head.

"Did you drink more than three cups of beer?"

"Yeah, it's a college party. Who turns up free alcohol?"

"How many did you drink?"

"Four—maybe five. I don't really remember. You don't really count when you're drunk. Why are you asking me these questions?"

"Were you so drunk that you couldn't hold all of your liquor?"

"Are you asking if I threw up?" Liam laughs. "Nessa, I can handle myself."

"Then were you drunk enough that you danced on a tabletop? Did you try to strip in front of all the girls?"

"I wasn't that drunk! What kind of questions are these?"

"Did you at least try to find a cute girl?"

"No, I—"

"This doesn't sound like a very interesting party, Liam."

"I didn't have to find a cute girl," Liam defends himself. "She found me, and . . . and she gave me her number."

"Liam!" Nessa squeals in excitement. "It's like you're growing up. What are you still doing here then?"

"I'm talking to you?"

"Liam, I need you to hang up the phone."

"Why? Do you have to go or something?"

"Call her, Liam. Call the girl."

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