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Me- I just- don't know. Everyone aka two people that commented wanted a Corby make out sesh, but there's a problem. I don't know how. I just- like. It's hard. So that's why I need advice. Wait no I don't. So! *teleports everyone to the room* CORY! SHEBLY! MAKEOUT!
Cory-*blushes* N-no!
Shebly- Y-yeah! We don't have to do anything!
Jess- Look at these chickens! Jin and Max had a slap fight!
Me-Point taken. Alright then Cory, why don't I have Ma- no, I hate Shelax. Hmm... How about I have myself kiss Shebly!
Cory- No!
Me- Kiss.
Shebly- *is steaming* I don't want to.
Cory- Fine.
Shebly- Cory what!?
Cory- *pecks Shebly on the lips and runs to his office*
Me- Hey that wasn't that bad.
Shebly- *is actually on fire*
Me-*dumps water on her* HA! I DONT EVEN SHIP MYSELF WITH SHEBLY!
And anyway, comment down below a dare, and have a good day!

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