Chapter 4

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A/N I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't been updating. I had to get my grades up at school. I was failing 3 classes. I'll try harder but I've also had a serious case of writers block.  Also thanks you guys for 1k reads and 64 votes it means a lot to me!
The pic is of Draco's tattoo wings they also wrap around and go slightly onto is neck and torso.
Also you guys should watch the attached video. Me and my sister couldn't stop laughing. It's hilarious.


Harry pov

Harry woke up grogily and took the silencing charms and ward off of his curtains. He took a quick shower and got dressed. Ron and Hermione met up with him in rhe common room and they all went to breakfast together. While the other two were eating he told then both about his dream. Hermione looked intrigued and Ron had this strange look on his face when all the sudden he said,"Okay that's enough I can't take it anymore. How can you like Malfoy!? After all he's done to us? How?" I looked at him suprised and Hermione started to admonish him bit he cut her off saying,"No Hermione it's disgusting I can't be your friend if you're gay." He got up and stormed off. Hermione looked at me apologetically. I nodded knowing she wanted to go after him. She gave me a hug and wispered in my ear, "I'm so sorry about this, and remember no matter what I will always accept and love you." I nodded and decided to just go back to the common room and lay down classes started Monday and today was Saturday so I had a few days until I had to show my face around here.

I was laying down when I ALL the sudden got really mad. Who was Ron to say those thong to me?! It's not like I have any control over it. I just wanted to bite something, anything. That's when I realized, I'm just acting like this because I need more blood I didn't get nearly enough Yesterday on the train and I didn't drink any last night so I was running dangerously low. 

I went to my trunk and unlocked it and grabbed 4 bags of blood. I hurried into the bathroom before anyone saw. I hastily locked it with a locking charm so no one could get in. I looked at the bags on my hands and lost all control. I brought the first one up to my mouth and my fangs lengthened, my eyes turned red, and my breathing turned into panting. As my fangs pierced the bag the sweet and bitter taste of the blood reached my tongue and I moaned at how good it tasted to finally have the one thing I've  been craving but didn't realize it.  I quickly got through all of the bags and realized that in my haste I got blood all over my clothes. I preformed a quick cleansing spell and I was good to go. I exited the bathroom and jumped as I saw two people sitting on my bed. They both had the Weasly red hair and look very similar. "Fred! George!" I exclaimed. (Okay I know that Fred is technically dead but o whale I liked him too much to not include him into my story) They both looked up in surprise. "Harry we were looking for you didn't think you were hear cause we didn't see you," Fred and George both said in turns finishing each other's sentences. "Sorry I was just in the bathroom, so what're you two doing here?"  "We just came here to talk to you. Hermione told us everything." Upon hearing this my face falls and I put up a silencing and locking charm. "Ohh" Fred and George looked at each other and said," We support you no matter what you are or who you like. I don't care if you like Malfoy or anybody else. We love you for who you are." I looked at them with tears in my eyes and they jumped up and rushed to my side pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I collapsed into them and cried silently, thanking Merlin I had two brothers like these. We all laid onto my bed and fell into a peaceful sleep. The second peaceful sleep I've had on awhile, all because I was wrapped in the protective embrace of my two brothers.


Okay guys I hope you liked this chapter the next one will most likely be in Draco's pov. And I f you guys have any suggestions about what you want to see or how I can improve my writing I will be more than happy to hear it, so please leave a comment below and tell me.

WordCount- 808

The Vampire and The Veela (DracoxHarry/BoyxBoy) COMPLETED/ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now