ummm hey....

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Sam- so um hi gladiators today we kind of have a sad announcement....Alex?

Me- well guys my mom had a friend and 27 years ago...he was kidnapped....he disappeared for years that night he was with his little brother travis and his best friend Aaron....his name was Jacob lettering and so he was a bit younger than me but today they found the woods by where he disappeared he has been dead for twenty seven years and so tonight or tomarrow night depending when you get this I would appreciate if you left your porch light on all night as a sign of the hope his mom had of finding a moment if silence while we play the song above...

Me- ok! So I am already trying to work on the next chapter so I'll have that out as soon as I can...right now is just hard for my sister considering it was her best friend so I'm helping her through his death....well thanks for reading! Bye...!

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