Part 2 : Swara and Sanskaar

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The Warden of the orphanage is shown… She is in the staff-apartments along with her assistant… She calls someone…

Warden: Kaddu…!!
Assistant: Why do you always forget ma’am…??
Warden: What…??
Assistant: That he will not listen to you if you will call him by this name…!!
Warden: Oh yes… How can I forget…!! The day Shona left he told everyone his real name and asked all of us never to call him Kaddu again… Not unless she returns back…!!
Assistant: Then call him by his real name…!!
Warden: (smiles and calls again) Sanskaar…!!

“Yes ma’am”, comes a voice from one of the rooms…!!
Warden: Come fast… or you will get late for your college… Remember it’s your first day in MBA…!!
Sanskaar: (speaks from inside) I remember ma’am… But it’s still the same college from where I completed BBA… So, nothing new…!!
Warden: Still you shouldn’t be late on the first day of the new session…!!
Sanskaar: Okay… Just five minutes… I’m coming…!!
Assistant: He said five minutes…
Warden: (smiles) Hmm… Time for his argument with God…!!
Assistant: Who must have thought that the boy who looked so round and stout earlier will grow up into such a handsome man one day…!! And he is helping us in the managing the orphanage along with his studies…!!
Warden: Yup… I’m really blessed to have him as my child… Even though not blood related but he is like a son to me…!!


A room is shown… A neatly arranged one with everything stacked up on its appropriate place… On one of the tables kept in the corner of the room is kept an idol of God… A boy wearing white t-shirt along with blue jeans and pink jacket comes and stands in front… He tucks both his hands inside his pocket and starts speaking to God…

Boy: Hii… I’m Sanskaar…!! Jaante toh honge hi aap mujhe…!! Like everyday… Today also I’ll ask you the same thing… Do you have some personal issues or something…?? Why are not sending my Laddu back…?? Will she be the same… the same as My Laddu when she left… It’s been 15 years… 15 long years… (takes a deep breath) I wonder how she might be looking right now… (he takes out the pendant he is wearing around his neck… It’s the same one that Shona gave him 15 years ago… He smiles and kisses the pendant) But I can bet… You’ll be lovely… extremely beautiful…!! Do you remember me even now Laddu…??

He is lost in his trail of thoughts when warden ma’am calls him again…

Sanskaar: Just coming…!! (to God) I don’t want to listen anything… Just send her soon… No sooner… soonest possible…!!

Then Sanskaar takes his breakfast and leaves for the college…



As soon as Sanskaar enters the cafeteria he hears someone calling him… It’s his friends… He smiles and moves towards their table… But as soon as he reaches the center of the cafeteria someone puts his leg on his way and Sanskaar trips… But with a quick reflex moves Sanskaar balances and steadies himself…

“Woah man, looks like Mr. Bookworm has got some moves”, says the person…

Sanskaar: (looks up at the person with a calm face) As  expected… I was expecting you only… Mr. Sahil Sen Gupta…!!
Sahil: (smirks) Oh really… You charity case…!!
Sanskaar: No, I’m not… Whatever I am today is because of myself only…!! And what you call charity is actually called Scholarship… which I have earned with my talent…!!
Sahil: Huh… Talent… My foot…!!
Sanskaar: At least I’m not one of those categories which everyone calls… Rich spoilt brat…!!
Sahil: You…

He fists his palm and tries to punch Sanskaar but he dodges and Sahil misses…

Sanskaar: (smiles) See you later…!! (Sanskaar leaves)
Sahil’s friend: However hard you try but you never succeed in getting on his nerves… How come he is so cool everytime…!!
Sahil: Whatever… I’ll not leave him… I know where to strike him…!! (he smirks evilly thinking about something)


Sanskaar’s friend: What was it this time…??
Sanskaar: Nothing much… He tried to trip me in the middle of cafeteria…!!
Friend 2: He will never change…!!
Sanskaar: Ignore him guys… He doesn’t deserve our attention…!!
Friend 3: (comes and joins them) Hey guys… Have you heard it…??
Everyone: What…??
Friend 3: Sahil’s girlfriend is joining the college… My father went to one of his business parties last night and heard someone saying this…!! Sanskaar…
Sanskaar: Hmm…
Friend 3: I have heard that she is beautiful man…!! She has done her graduation from USA…
Sanskaar: As if I care…!!
Friend 3: My father told me… She has a beautiful name… What is it…?? S… S… Sweta… No… No… No… It was a really beautiful one… aaa… mmm…. Yes… Swara…!! (Sanskaar lifts up his head on hearing her name… He gets a strange feeling) Yup… That’s it… Swara is her name…!!
Sanskaar: I need to go… I have some work in the library…!!
Friend 1: Areyy… wait for sometime… she might be coming…!!
Sanskaar: I said I don’t care…!! (he starts moving backwards towards the entrance of the cafeteria still facing his friends)
Friend 2: But at least you can take a look…
Sanskaar: And why would I do so… (he is still moving backwards) I said I don’t…

He turns and before he could complete he bumps into someone… Before the person could fall Sanskaar holds the person… and the next moment he finds out that it’s a girl… All the papers she’s been holding in her hands fall down… She has closed her eyes tightly due to the fear of falling…!! Sanskaar gets awestruck seeing her but after realizing their position, he steadies her up and releases his hold on her waist… The girl opens her eyes…!!

Sanskaar: I’m… I’m really sorry…!! Are you alright…??
Girl: Hey chill… No issues…!! I’m absolutely fine…!!
Sanskaar: No… no… no… I really mean it… It was entirely my fault…!! (Sanskaar looks at the papers scattered around) Oh… sorry… (he leans to pick up the papers)
Girl: (holds his hand and says softly) Hey… I’m fine…!! No need to apologize… Looking the other way round you actually saved me…!! So… thank you…!!

She smiles and Sanskaar reciprocates back with a smile… But before he could say anything someone calls from behind, “Swara…”

The girl turns and smiles, “Sahil…”

Sahil: (comes and hugs her) I missed you so much…!!

Swara gets uncomfortable on his touch and tries to get free from his hold… Sanskaar notices this… Swara breaks the hug…

Sanskaar: (to himself) She is his girlfriend…?? But she is so sweet… How come they are together…?? (looks at Swara who is talking to Sahil) But why do I feel that she isn’t happy with it…!! (he shrugs his shoulders) Anyways… It’s their personal matter…!!

He leaves for library but not before glancing at Swara for one last time…!!



Sanskaar is walking through the college corridor towards his class when Swara comes from behind and taps on his shoulder… Sanskaar turns and leaves a sigh on seeing her… AGAIN… Since the day they bumped into each other, Swara keeps on thanking Sanskaar every time she sees him…

Sanskaar: (rolls his eyes) What are you doing here…??
Swara: I came to thank you for saving me that day…!!
Sanskaar: Oh God… Ughh… This is the 138th time you are thanking me…!! I have already said that it’s okay…!! Now go…!!
Swara: Why should I go…?? In case if you have forgotten then let me tell you that I’m also in the same class as you… So technically we are going to the same place… So why can’t we go together…!! Why…?? Don’t you like me…?? Do you have some problem with me…?? Oh my God… Is it something… Oh Shit…!! (Sanskaar looks at her giving her a YOU-ARE-IMPOSSIBLE look) Is it that you don’t like girls…?? It means you like b…
Sanskaar: Ughh… Shut up…!! Just keep your mouth shut…!! (Swara keeps finger on her lips) And I don’t like… Boys… Okay…!! So, stop making assumptions…!!
Swara: Then you like girls…!!
Sanskaar: Yes… but not any girl…!!
Swara: Oh… hoo… Someone is in love…!! Who is she…??? Is she from this college…?? Do I know her…??
Sanskaar: Oh God Swara…!! Kitna bolti ho tum…!! Can’t you keep quite for just a moment…!!
Swara: (looks at Sanskaar’s face) Why don’t you smile…??
Sanskaar: Because I don’t like to…!!

Saying this he turns around and leaves with long steady steps…


Two months later…

Swara is sitting in cafeteria with her friends…

Friend 1: Swara…!!
Swara: Hmm…!!
Friend 1: You never told us how you fell in love with Sahil…!!
Swara: What…?? Love…?? With Sahil…??
Friend 2: Why are you shocked…?? Everyone knows that you are his girlfriend…!!
Swara: What…?? No…!!
Friend 2: You are not his girlfriend…!!
Swara: No way…!!
Friend 1: But he told everyone that you are his girlfriend…!!
Friend 2: And he told this even before you came here…!!
Swara: What… How dare he…!! You all wait… I’ll come in a moment…!!

Swara goes to Sahil who is sitting on one end of the cafeteria with his friends…

Swara: (angrily) Sahil… I need to talk to you…!!
Sahil: Haan Swara bolo…!!
Swara: Not here…!!
Sahil: What is it Swara…?? You can say anything you want here only…!!
Swara: Okay… as you wish…!! You told everyone that I’m your girlfriend… (she folds her hand across her chest)
Sahil: Toh isme galat kya hai Swara…!! You are my girlfriend…!! (he touches her hand)
Swara: (jerks his hand) No… I am not…!! We are just family friends… Nothing more than that…!!
Sahil: (gets angry) Enough Swara…!!
Swara: Why…?? You can spread rumors about me and I can’t even question you…!!
Sahil: Rumors…!! They are not rumors Swara… (he moves quickly towards her and holds her waist tightly) One day or the other you are going to be mine…!!
Swara: Not even in your dreams…!!

Sahil is about to say something when Sanskaar comes from behind…

Sanskaar: I think that’s enough…!!
Sahil: You are not needed here Mr. Bookworm… It’s between me and my girlfriend…!!
Sanskaar: But I heard her saying that she isn’t your girlfriend…!!
Sahil: That’s none of your business…!!

Sanskaar moves towards them without saying anything and holds Sahil’s hand… he frees Swara from his hold and within fraction of second Swara hides behind Sanskaar...

Sahil: Wait… why is it bothering you so much…?? Don’t tell me that you like… no… no… you love her…!!
Sanskaar: No… I don’t…!! (to Swara) I think you should go to class…!!

Sanskaar and Swara are about to leave when Sahil calls from behind…

Sahil: Hey Mr. Bookworm…!! Wanna play a bet…??
Sanskaar: (turns) I’m not interested in any of your dirty games Sahil…!! So better don’t ask me…!!
Sahil: Why are you afraid…??
Sanskaar: I’m not afraid… It’s the other way round… I love my self-respect…!!
Sahil: Hahh… Look who’s talking…!! Mr. Charity case is talking about self-respect…!!
Sanskaar: (shouts) Sahil…!! There is no use talking to you…!! (he turns to leave)
Sahil: So… you won’t bet… Not even for the girl you love…!!
Sanskaar: (clenches his fist) Don’t you dare speak a word…!!
Sahil: Then play a bet…!! Nothing much… Just a singing competition…!!
Sanskaar: (still fuming in anger) Okay… Fine…!! (he starts going)
Sahil: And the one who will win… Swara will kiss him in front of everyone…!!
SwaSan: (shout together) No…!!
Sanskaar: There is no way I’m doing this…!!
Sahil: Why…?? Waiting for your first kiss with your TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR…!! (Swara gets shocked on hearing this… She looks at Sanskaar)
Sanskaar: Enough Sahil…!!

He is about to go away when Sahil gets hold of the chain Sanskaar is wearing and snatches it in the blink of eye… He pulls it with so much force that the chain flies away due to the jerk… But before it could fall on the ground someone catches it… Swara catches it… She gets shocked on seeing the locket… The locket opens and the music starts… She gets teary eyes… She shifts her gaze continuously between the chain and Sanskaar…

Swara: (to herself looking at the chain) I found him…!! I finally found him…!! (kisses the locket) Kaddu… Sanskaar is my Kaddu….!! I finally found the person for whom I have returned… I came back Kaddu… Just for you…!!

Sanskaar: (shouts in anger) Sahil…!! (he punches him hard on his face and Sahil falls on the ground)
Sahil: (smirks wiping the blood from the corner of his lips) Do you really think so that she’ll come back…!!
Sanskaar: Enoughh…!!
Sahil: I can bet that she won’t even remember you now…!! Who knows… Maybe she is with someone…
Sanskaar: (holds Sahil’s collar) Don’t you dare speak a word against my Shona…!!

Sanskaar punches him again… Sahil stumbles… Sanskaar goes to Swara…

Sanskaar: Can I have my pendant back…?? (Swara looks at the pendent… Sanskaar gets teary eyes) Please… It means everything to me…!!
Sahil: (calls from behind) This doesn’t means that the bet is off Sanskaar… I’ll see you at the club tonight…!!
Swara: (speaks before Sanskaar could say anything) The bet is still on Sahil… (she looks at Sanskaar and gives him the pendent) I know you will win…!!

Swara leaves and Sanskaar feels that he saw something different in her eyes… Something different… as if they wanted to say a lot to him…!!

Swara: (to herself) I’m back Kaddu… Your Laddu is back…!! I can’t wait to tell you this…!! But I’ll wait until the competition… I know you will win…!!



Everyone from the college is present at the club… A center stage is laid with lights… Swara is eagerly waiting for Sanskaar… He enters and walks upto the stage…

Sanskaar: Before I start singing… I want you all to know that I’m not doing this for any bet… It’s just I think that this is the right thing to do…!! I dedicate this song to the most special person of my life… The girl I love… People say that she won’t come back… It’s been fifteen years…!! But I know she will come back… My Shona never breaks her promise and she promised to come back for me…!!

Swara: (looks at him with a smile on her face) I’m back… Your Shona is back…!!

Sanskaar starts singing…

Ho yaraa aaaa... Yaraaa...

Kyun itna main tujhko hi
Chunta hoon har pal
Kyun tere hi khwaab main
Bunta hoon har pal...

Kyun itna main tujhko hi
Chunta hoon har pal
Tere hi khwaab main
Bunta hoon har pal...

Tune mujhe jeene ka hunar diya
Khamoshi se sehne ka sabar diya
Tu hi bharosa zindagi ka
Tu hai mera hausla...

Mujhe jeena sikha diya
Marna sikha diya
Teri wafao ne insaan bana diya...
Jeena sikha diya
Marna sikha diya
Teri wafao ne insaan bana diya...

Tere khyaalo mein ho gayi gum
Yeh meri tanhaayiyaan
Ab rooh meri karne lagi hai
Teri nigehbaniyaan

Tere khyaalo mein ho gayi gum
Yeh meri tanhaayiyaan
Ab rooh meri karne lagi hai
Teri nigehbaniyaan

Tu hi bharosa zindagi ka
Tu hai mera hausla...

Mujhe jeena sikha diya
Marna sikha diya
Teri wafao ne insaan bana diya...
Jeena sikha diya
Marna sikha diya
Teri wafao ne insaan bana diya...

Bandhne lage hain
Rishto ke dhaage
Tere mere darmiyaan...
Thode sukoon mein
Rehne lagi hain
Yeh meri bechainiyaan...


Bandhne lage hain
Rishto ke dhaage
Tere mere darmiyaan...
Thode sukoon mein
Rehne lagi hain
Yeh meri bechainiyaan...

Tu hi bharosa zindagi ka
Tu hai mera hausla...

Mujhe jeena sikha diya
Marna sikha diya
Teri wafao ne insaan bana diya...

Swara smiles seeing him as the song gets over… She is unable to express her feelings and what his each and every word meant to her…!!

In no time Sanskaar is announced as the winner…!! He is about to leave the stage when Swara gets on the stage…

Sanskaar: Swara… You don’t need to do this…!! I told already that I haven’t done it for the bet…!!
Swara: But I think you owe me one…!! Now close your eyes…!!
Sanskaar: What…??
Swara: Someone once told me… Whenever we close our eyes and listen to something, we remember it for a longer time…!!

Sanskaar gets confused on hearing this as this is the same thing he told Shona on the day she left… He closes his eyes…

Swara: (moves closer to him and whispers in his ears… Sanskaar shivers due to their close proximity) You asked me to remember this forever…!! TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR… I LOVE YOU SABSE JYADA MERE YAAR…!!

Saying this she kisses Sanskaar’s cheeks tightly… Sanskaar’s eyes get wide open… He is still not able to believe what he heard… A tear drop rolls down from the corner of his eyes…

Sanskaar: (slowly) Laddu…!!
Swara: (hugs Sanskaar tightly) I missed you so much Kaddu…!! (Everyone gets shocked on seeing this)…
Sanskaar: (gets extremely overwhelmed and hugs her back tightly) I don’t believe this… You came back… You are here… in my arms…!!
Swara: (resting her head on his chest) I promised to come back…!!
Sanskaar: Thank you so much for coming back…!! (breaks the hug) I want to tell you something…!!
Swara: Hmmm…!!
Sanskaar: I don’t know whether it’s the right time or not… I… I… LOVE… YOU…!! I have always…!! You were the one for me… you are now and will always be…!!
Swara: (hugs him back) I LOVE YOU TOO…!!
Sanskaar: I still don’t believe this that you are here…!!
Swara: (breaks the hug) You will… NOW…!!

Saying this she places her lips on his… Everyone including Sanskaar gets shocked… But soon he gives up and reciprocates back to her kiss… He holds her waist tightly and she wraps her arm around his neck…!! They break their kiss after sometimes…

Sanskaar: God… I missed you so much…!!
Swara: So you got your first kiss…
Sanskaar: From my TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR…!! (he picks her up and twirls her around) I Love You so much…!!
Swara: I love you too…!!

--------------------- THE END -------------------

Well technically this is not the end… Is it..?? Nahh… It’s just the beginning of their love story…!!


Hii everyone… This is the first time I have written a ts... Well technically it was an os but every time I was uploading it my wattpad crashed... So I made it a ts... forgive me in case of any mistake… and also for the grammatical errors as I didn’t get enough time to read it again…!! I hope you all liked the story…!! Thank you so much for reading…!!


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