Extra Extra Extra Large Part 2

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Enjoy 😘

Aniya Pov

" While Cayden showed everyone the way out I was tucking in Caven "

" It's almost 8 o clock and that means it's all our kids bed time "

" Akareeah is already sleeping and Calvin refuses to go to sleep, he's a night owl like his momma' "


" I kiss here and there " Aniya said kissing Caven forhead and then his cheek while she was sat on his bed.

" Love you momma' " Caven said.

" Momma' loves you too " Aniya said getting up walking out and left the night light one.

Caven is scared of the dark just like Cayden when he was a kid

Cayden always felt like someone would try to get him everytime it gets dark and that's exactly how Calvin feels

Aniya walked out with her back turned and closed the door

Aniya turned around but jumped frightened when Cayden cuffed his hand pressing it covering Aniya's mouth completely and pressed her against the wall sushing her

" What the hell is he doing, I could've pied on my damn self then we really gon' have some problems "

" This is a stick up, give me all your body " Cayden whispered and Aniya eyes widened.

Cayden chuckled removing his hand from his wife mouth just for her to laugh it off

That was weird

" Cayden what the hell " Aniya said still laughing.

" I got bored Ny, I'm sorry if I scared you " Cayden said and Aniya smiled.

" It's ok but just so you know a stick up is not a stick up without a gun " Aniya said cuffing his face kissing his lips.

Cayden groaned kissing back and picked her up bridal style

" I love you so much Cay " Aniya moaned.

" I love you too Ny " Cayden groaned and carried her towards their bedroom.

" Wait I need to tuck Calvin in bed and make sure Akareeah is ok " Aniya said.

" Already done, I want us time " Cayded said.

" Uggggh' I don't wanna' fuck, I'm still healing from my soreness and by the way I don't give a damn what you say, I know your dick got bigger, thanks a lot nearly wall killer " Aniya said.

" You horny welcome wifey' but by the way I have no idea how it happen, God loves me I guess " Cayden said now walking inside their bed.

" Hmmm' I am not, you are " Aniya said.

" No you are " Cayden said.

" No you are " Aniya said.

" No you are " Cayden said.

" No we are not about to do this " Aniya said being layed down on the bed and Cayden began to strip his wife out her clothes.

" You started it " Cayden said.

" Now I'm finishing it " Aniya said.

" Let's just watch Netflix and try to keep our hands off each other " Cayden said.

Aniya giggled

" I got 500 bucks' on you making the first move " Aniya said.

" And if I win " Cayden said.

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