Chapter 1

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(Lauren's POV)

I sat there on the table shocked. I cant bring myself to move to look at her.

"Lauren, Im so sorry."

I looked up at her with disbelief.

"Why? Am I not good enough?"

"No Lauren, you are good enough, you are actually more than enough."

"Then why Alex? Why?"

"I... I-I fell inlove with someone else." She looked at me for a minute before shaking her head. "Im so sorry Lauren." With that she turned around and ran away, leaving me more shocked than before.


(Y/n's POV)

"DINAH JANE MILIKA ILAISAANE HANSEN AMASIO!!! GIVE ME BACK MY PHOONNEE!!" I jumped as high as I could, trying to get my phone from Dinah, but me being extremely short and her being extremely tall, I failed, so I just gave up. I sat on the side walk and huffed as I glared at the ground.

"Awww, it wittle y/n mad?"

I glared at her more before turning back around and crossed my hands.


"Yo Dawg, an unknown number texted you. He seems mad."

"Gimmie that." I snatched the phone from her.

489-1432-153: Why? Why do you have to fall inlove with another person?

Y/n: Huh?

488-1432-153: I gave you everything. I fought for you, and this is what you do?

Y/n: Im sorry, I think you have the wrong number.

489-1432-153: Dont play this card on me.

Y/n: Sorry, but I really dont know you.

489-1432-153: Is your name Alex?

Y/n: Alex is my second name... my first name is y/n.

489-1432-153: Oh, Im sorry y/n.

I chucked my phone inside my pocket. I noticed Dinah wasn't beside me anymore. I looked around in hopes to be able to find her but I couldn't.

"WATCH OUT!!!" I turned around and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and there's a heavy weight on top of me.

I groaned and rubbed my forehead. I opened my eyes and I was met with mesmerising green eyes.

"Next time, watch where you're going." She stood up and dusted herself.

"Watch where I am going?? You should be the one doing that. The school is not a skating rink. The hallway is NOT for skating." I stood up and dusted my jeans. I felt a jolting pain on my elbows, I looked down and saw it was scratched and blood was dripping down.

"Who do you think you are anyway?"

"Who do I think I am? I think I am a student here in Santa Monica School of Arts who is walking on the hallway, trying to get to class cause Im late. Who do YOU think you are?"

"I am Lauren Michelle Jauregui, captain of the softball team, pretty much the hottest girl in school which makes me the most popular girl too. I also happen to be the daughter of the most successful people in the business world and the co founder of this school that you study in too. That's who I am nerd." Then she started to walk away.

"Apparently, very, very cocky too."

"What did you say?" She was about to hit me when Dinah suddenly came out of nowhere and held her hand just before she had the chance to slap me.

"Woah, Jauregui, what do you think you're about to do with my best friend? Back the hell up."

Lauren glared at me while backing away and I stuck my tongue out to her. Dinah turned to me and examined my elbow. "You ok?" I nodded but she still continued to examine it.

You see, the reason why Lauren was scared of Dinah is because, you could say they had history. I dont really know the whole story but all I know is that Lauren has a soft spot for Dinah.... And because Dinah could surely beat her up.

"Come on, I'll take you to the nurse."

"No Dinah, we dont have to."

"But I want to take you to the nurse, so your wounds wouldn't get infected."

I sighed and gave in. Dinah doesn't really take no for an answer... most of the time, which is annoying sometimes but hey, I gotta love her.

We both went to the nurse. After putting a bandage on it, we got n excuse slip and went to class.

"Ms. Hansen, Ms. y/l/n, Why are you guys late?"

"Sorry Ma'am, we were at the clinic." Dinah handed her the excuse slip. We took our seats in the middle of the row then my phone buzzed.

489-1432-153:Why are you using Alex's phone?
Y/n: This is not "Alex's" phone, this is my phone, you might have the wrong number or something
489-1432-153: Oh yeah.. I got one number wrong... Anyway, Im Lauren Jauregui.
489-1432-153: Wait... y/n the nerd y/n?? YOu HAVe a SecOnD NAme?!
y/n:Yeah well, surprise surprise, my name is Y/n Alex y/l/n and apparently your caps lock is broken.
489-1432-153: Whatever. Stop texting me.

I put my phone away and decided to look at front and listen to the teacher.

{The next day}

When the bell rung, me and Dinah stood up and went to our class which was Music, sadly we have it with Jauregui. As we entered the room, we saw Jauregui sitting beside her best friend, Cara. Now Cara is very pretty, I kinda have a crush on her... ok well not kinda, I have a massive crush on her, but we barely talk to each other. As we all settled in, our teacher came in and started the class.

"Today, Im gonna be pairing each and everyone of you."

Me and Dinah looked at each other with our fingers crossed.

"Y/l/n and..."

(A/n: Ok so I have many book ideas, if you guys could only see my drafts 😂 but Im really excited for this one and everything is already planned for this book, the plot, the characters, the love teams 😏 but yeah Hope you guys enjoy this 🙌)

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