Chapter 2

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(Y/n's POV)

"Y/l/n and.... Delevigne."

I looked at Cara and I couldn't help but smile. YUUUS!! FINALLYYYY!!!!

"Hansen and Cabello."

I looked at Dinah and gave her a high five. You see, Camila Cabello is one of our childhood friends but me and Dinah are closer.

"Um... y/n right?" Oh my god that accent is going to be the death of me someday I swear to god. I looked up and saw the one and only Cara Delevigne in front of me.

"Um yeah." She gave me a smile which I reciprocated.

"Uh.. you wanna go to my place or your place? you know for the song making. The earlier we start, the better."

"Um... I think your place is better, I kinda have siblings that are very annoying and I dont want them to disturb us."

"Ok cool, cool. Meet me at the parking lot after class." I nodded and gave her one last smile before I watched her go back to her seat beside Jauregui, who was already looking at me might I add. I looked at her and she quickly looked away. Hmm, weird. I just shrugged it off and turned my attention to Dinah who was smirking at me, but I saw something in her eyes.... pain? jealousy? I dont know man. Again, I shrugged it off and started to make a conversation with Camila.

"Sup Cabello."

"Hello y/l/n. So your partner is Delevigne ey? How does it feel being partnered up with your crush?" She asked me but she kept glancing at Dinah giving her a look of concern,who is awfully quiet while she just kept her head down. What is up with people today?

"Nerve wrecking to be honest. I mean, I barely speak to her and I dont know a lot about her and now all of a sudden we are being partnered for a project... not just any project, you have to freaking sing... oh my gosh, we have to sing, together, infront... I think Im about to faint."

"Y/n relax, you are over thinking stuff again." Dinah said rubbing my back. I nodded and took deep breathes while Camila just watched us with a smirk. I gave her a questioning look and she just shrugged her shoulders. Then suddenly, the bell rang.

"Ok class, so remember, you guys will perform it next week, so you guys have the whole week to prepare." We all stood up and got our things and started walking to the cafeteria. We sat down at our usual table. We were just eating peacefully when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jauregui with Cara behind her.

"I need to talk to you y/n." I looked at Dinah, silently asking for her permission and she just nodded. I hesitantly stood up and followed Lauren to the empty hallway.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."

(A/n: Ok... well... helloo.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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