Tour Is Here

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Ok Finally  Tour  is Here 

Roc ;  I  am happy  tour is here  my stuff  is packed 

Ej ;  we are going  to  have  so much  fun 

Mike ;  and meet  new  people 

Prodigy ;  and eat new  things 

Ray ;  Meet New  Girls 

Princeton ;  You  Love Them  Girls  Huh

Ray ;  Yeah I Do

We all Got on the  Bus so we Decided  to  pick  our  Bunk

Ray ; I picked  The Top Bunk 

Prodigy ;  But  I  wanted  the top  Bunk 

Ray ;  too bad I  Got  It

Ej ;  I  take  the back  room 

Roc ;  I  take the Second  room 

Mike ;  I  guess  I  sleep  in  Ej Room 

Ej ;  That  cool  I  don't  mind  Sharing  a room  and you  are bro so it is  no problem 

Princeton ;  I  will  take the last  room  Prodigy  we can share  the room 

Prodigy ;  ok that  fine 

Princeton ;  Now we have  the room  issue  settle let unpack ,  Eat and then   Watch  TV 

We have a Big Kitchen  on the  bus  a refrigerator ,  A Shower  A closet and  6 Room  for  us to  sleep 

So Roc and Ray have the Bunk 

Ej and Mike have  The First  Room 
Prodigy  and Princeton  have  The Last  Room 

Keisha  Have  The Third  Room 

And Walter  Have  The Middle  Room  With Kenneth 

So The Boys  are in Ej and Mike Room  Watching  TV

Mike ;  this  Bed is so comfortable 

Ej ;  When  I  sleep  I  like  to  be comfortable  cause  it's  relaxing 

Prodigy ;  so are you  guys  excited 

Princeton ;  I  don't  know  about  you  guys  but  I  am 

Ray ; This  going  to  be  an amazing  experience  for  me

Roc ;  But we are doing  shows  after  shows ,  doing  interviews   and concert 

Princeton ;  But we have to  stay  Focused 

Mike ;  we have  to  work  hard 

Prodigy ;  We have  to  be  Determined 

Roc  ;  Nothing  Going  to  Stop  Us

Ej ;  We Should  be  Fearful 

Ray ;  We Should  be  Fantastic 

Princeton ;  Wow Ray We should  be  Fantastic 

Ray ;  But do you  know  where  we going  first 

Roc ;  We are going  to  a high  school  First 

Ej ;  That  Cool  Performing  For a Pep Rally 

Mike ;  This  going  be amazing 

(  MB Perform For   The High  school  )

MIKE ;  Omg  that  was incredible 

Ej ;  Man They  was Hype 

Ray ;  Right  They  love  Us

Roc ;  We have 100 more shows  to go to 

Prodigy ;  lord  that  a lot  but we can do it

Princeton ;  we got  one in the  next  town

Roc ;  Alright  Cool 

Walter ;  ok  guys  they love  you  and you  did  a good  Job 

We arrived  to the next  town we are performing  for a festival  then we performing  at the  fair  then we performing  at the carnival  then we performing  In London  then Jamaica  then New York  we doing  8 shows there and We going  to  perform  in Tokyo  we have  9 shows  there  and we perform  In Detroit  and Philadelphia   we have  10 shows  there But we can pull through  it is going  to  be  some rough  months  but  they  can do it 

Mike ;  omg I  am  so tire But it work and we are making  money  so I  am not  complaining 

Ej ;  yeah  but  I  wanted  to  sleep  and be refresh 

Princeton ;  we are  going  to  go  to  sleep  after  this  last  show 

Roc ;  You said  that  for  the past  hour  and Months since  we been  on this  tour 

Walter ;  Alright  guys  The next  show  is not  until   9 hours  so go to   sleep   so you  can  be refresh  when  we get there

Princeton ;  ok

Walter  leave  the  room  Ej Does  A Happy  Dance 

Ej ;  Finally  I can  Sleep 

The Guys  went  To Sleep  and getting  ready  to  be refresh  for  the  last  show  before  the other  half  of  tour

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