Just how close are you ?

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Adrien's P.O.V.

Marinette and Alya have been getting close lately. I smiled. I'm glad my princess is starting to make friends . I walked into class when a shrill voice was heard. Yup, you guessed it. It was the female Draco Malfoy.

"Chloe",I said curtly.

"Oh Addrikins , it's awful ! Jordan broke up with me ! Something about me being a bad example to his siblings. I mean can you imagine ?"

Yes. I could . I used to be her friend, but I don't know what to do with her anymore. She is so self centered. I remember a few months ago , she dragged me to show me her room . Every single thing made my eyes hurt . But what made me shook my head in disbelief was a full size picture of herself . She told that , ' the photographer told me that I was so beautiful that it took months for the photo to be done ' .

Well, he was lying . I have been a model for far too long to not realize that there was a bit more than a little photoshopping done .

(A/N : to whoever made this , please don't take offense

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(A/N : to whoever made this , please don't take offense.)

"Chloe, I have to go , my friends are waiting for me ." , I said pointing at Marinette, who was waving me over.

"Addrikins, why do you bother with the low lives ? Come, Sabrina and I are planning to go to a fancy restaurant after class , you should join."

"No thanks Chloe, I already promised my friends that I would eat with them " . I didn't wait and sprinted all the way over to them. There was no way that I was going to eat with her. The last time that happened, she ordered food that was said to be healthy, but weren't . My dietician was outraged when she found out. I had to endure a whole 2 hours of being healthy and staying fit. And I don't want another one.

"Hey guys" , I said as soon as I was near them . Nino shook his head , " what is it with Chloe ? Dude , the only way for her to back of is to get a girlfriend man. " "No" , Marinette said , " I saw her flirting with one of my father's partner's son and written her number down his arm despite his protests . Only the desperate do that."
Alya nodded . "She's got a point . That girl will do anything to get what she wants."

I shuddered at the thought. Marinette clutched her stomach, " ugh" , she grunted. "You okay , Mari?" , I asked concerned . "Yeah , just ... You know.... Time." Oh. Okay...... I did NOT need to know that. Alya slung one of her arms over her shoulder . "Come on, we still have a few minutes before the bell rings , we better go now" .

Buzz .

I got my phone out. A message from Father. It was just a reminder that I have no photo shoot and that I just have to go on another party with Marinette as my 'date'. Unfortunately, Nino saw me open my phone and his eyes widen when he saw my wallpaper. You know , the one with a blushing Marinette.

"Dude ! Where did you get that pic?" , his voice was so loud , it got the attention of the whole class. They all looked at my phone and started whispering. Marinette is going to kill me . And when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I was proven wrong . Someone got curious and grabbed my phone clicking the gallery icon , and there were more gasps . Most of those pictures were of me and Marinette.

Nino grabbed the phone and held it in front of me , "explain this ". It was one of the pictures we had taken , but wasn't approved from my father for his presentation for his fashion line.

 It was one of the pictures we had taken , but wasn't approved from my father for his presentation for his fashion line

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" Just how close are you guys?" , asked one of my classmate. I think his name was Nathaniel. I was about to answer when Alya barged in . When she saw the pic . She got a phone out of her pocket. Marinette then came tumbling in. "Alya don't you dare." What was going on?

I went over to Marinette and helped her balance. When we looked back at everyone , their attention was all at the phones. This is practically invasion of privacy.

Ayla's P.O.V.

Oh my gosh! They look so cute together! Adrienette is officially my OTP. I hope Mari won't mind , but I sent to myself on of their pictures.

But the wicked witch of the west suddenly appeared

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But the wicked witch of the west suddenly appeared. "What is that?!" Oh boy.

Marinette's P.O.V.

Once I was feeling better, I got a message from Tikki. Unfortunately, Plagg has a cold and couldn't make it to the formal event , so I have to go for him. But , Alya saw my phone and her eyes widened at the wallpaper. It was one of the photos that Adrien and I that wasn't approved by his father for his fashion line.

"Girl ! Just how close are you two

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"Girl ! Just how close are you two . Oh my gosh, everyone has to see this !"

She grabbed my phone and ran to our classroom. This cannot happen. I couldn't run fast or my stomach will feel as if nails where being hammered into it.But once I reached the room , it was already too late. As if things couldn't get any worse . The bane of my existence spoke up. " What is that?!"

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