Chapter One ۞ Changing Fates [Editing]

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Disclaimer: First time I pulish a story in this account, and I'll start with this one. I do not own Magi, just my OC's.

Summary: Her mind barely proggressing of what was happening, eyes widening in surprise she sees Simon's mortified face as he attempts to reach her, but it was all to late. She could hear friends shouting for her in worry and fear?

She was falling down too fast, she tightly shut her eyes missing how something glowed from behind her but her friends saw how the mirror glowed bright and rippled. Alex falls down taking the mirror in her fall and was gone.

Her friends only see the broken mirror, shattered in pieces.

Alexandria Esméré Xandrós was gone.

Warning: Sinbad/OC, Magician!OC, AU

Chapter One ۞ Changing Fates

    Alex cursed, lowly under her breath as her uniform was yet again splashed with water. She tighten her grip on her umbrella, glancing worriedly to her friends who were struggling against the rain and harsh winds.

It didn't help that her glasses were clouded by mist created by the rain and cold wind.

"Alex!" Someone had grabbed her by her arm, and she turn to see Simon. "We aren't going to get through this rain, let's take shelter first!" he said.

She nodded in acceptance and called her friends to come, "This is the worse day yet." Lily muttered as Milan and Clara agreed, dismayed at their soaking uniform.

Simon had led them to a shop close by, the problem was that the shop was closed and Alex was worried but Simon came right up and knocked on the windshield. "Hello?!" He raised his voice, "Is anyone there?"

Alex suddenly felt an extra body leaning against her arm, she sees Clara shiver and instinctively she wrap her free arm around her waist. Clara sighed, "I hope they'll let us in."

Alex hopes, too.

Simon knocks one more time hoping there was someone inside that would let them in, he took one glance back at his friends, who looked at him hopefully.

He suddenly hears the lock being pick and the door slightly opens, he steps back as they see an elderly man, "Goodness," the elderly breathes, he open the door widely, "come in, bilis*." The elderly said to them to the group's relief and greatfulness.

The elderly man disappears in another room, as they come in and placing their umbrellas by the door. Alex took one look at the place and she sees different materials displayed looking old and worn, the elderly man who let them in inside his cozy shop collects antique. She looked awed at the odjects from different times and places.

"Here," she was startled to see the elderly man giving her a towel, she smiled politely and thanking the elder for his kind genorosity. She dried the part of her hair that was wet, then moving to her arms and legs much to her dismay she can't do nothing for her uniform but didn't voice out her complains.

She's just thankful that this man let them in his shop.

"Um... maraming salamat* sir." She hears Lily say to the owner. Which the elder man dismiss and say, "Take your time, I heard in the news that the rain won't stop at six o'clock."

Lily thanks the elderly, then going to Milan's direction as she hears Lily's murmurring about her mother's strict rules of going home. Alex turn away to admire the elderly's collection with unhidden fascination, and wonders of their stories.

So busy admiring the tinkets, the elderly man came up beside her and comments, "Do you like my antiques, magandang dalaga*?" She was yet again startled but this time a little flustered, as the elderly gives her a warm smile.

Nervously, she nodded, "Opo*, sir." This time her tone has excitement, she blames it on her fascination and a bit bookworm side in history. Even though she was Catholic, she knew most mythologies that involves deities and legends of their demigod offspring, not to mention she recently started reading a bit of demonology. But still, she hasn't forgot her God.

"You can take a look around." Alex brightens at hearing the permission and hesitately nodding, again looking like an eager child wanting to learn something new. Somewhere in the room Clara who was watching the interaction, giggled.

Clara stood besides Simon and engage him in a conversation, which encourage Lily and Milan to join them. The elderly disappears yet again in another room and Alex wanders around to what more the little shop holds.

There were many variety of objects that was displayed, from old toys, to little tinkets, and anything that catch her attention really. It just so happens that a worn white cloth covers something that quipped Alex's curiosity, so being naturally curious due to human nature. Alex can't really help it when something cannot be touch urge the young teen to touch it.

"I wonder what's underneath this cloth?" She muttered curiously, reaching out a hand and tugged to unveil the cover. Outside ot thundered louder, the wind picking up and grew frenzy and the rains were in all directions which cause the weather reported for today be confuse at the frantic storm of nature.

"Alex?" For the third time of being startled, she turn around and instantly regretted it, a small puddle formed due to her still soaking wet clothes resulting her to slip and fall.

Her mind barely proggressing of what was happening, eyes widening in surprise she sees Simon's mortified face as he attempts to reach her, but it was all to late. She could hear friends shouting for her in worry and fear?

She was falling down too fast, she tightly shut her eyes missing how something glowed from behind her but her friends saw how the mirror glowed bright and rippled. Alex falls down taking the mirror in her fall and was gone.

Her friends only see the broken mirror, shattered in pieces.

Alexandria Esméré Xandrós was gone.


Bilis* - hurry

Maraming salamat* - thank you very much

Magandang dalaga* - beautiful young lady

Opo* - a sign of respect

[Filipino Language]

By Shee-vah, Alex the Light Of Child

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