Chapter 9

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400 year in the past

3rd Person POV

Tsuna is at the infirmary , creating from all of the injuries he got. Enma and Natsu with the First Generation are surrounding the bed with A laude and Daemon leaning against the wall.

"When will the Vendice come and get them? They will wake up soon" G commented.

They locked the whole Scratez fagamilia in the torture chamber because the Vendice has yet to arrive.

"G , let's be patient , alright?" Knuckles ask.

"Feh" was the only reply he got from the storm guardian as he look away.

"Why didn't I realize? I'm so stupid! Now look at him!" Giotto whisper while caressing Tsuna's hair.

"Giotto" Cozart said in a sad tone.

"Ngh..." Tsuna grimaced.

"Did you hear that Natsu?" Enma ask.

"Gao! Gao!" Natsu replied and licked his masters cheek.

"Ngh... Where am...I? Am I in...heaven?" Tsuna ask as he woke up and sit down.

"Gao! Gao! Gao!" Natsu replied.

"Yeah sorry for worrying you" Tsuna replied.

"Gao! Gao! Gao?" Natsu ask.

"I will play with you more often so please forgive me" Tsuna replied.

"Gao!" Natsu said and started to lick Tsuna's cheek.

" tickles..." Tsuna said and pick Natsu and put him in his lap.

"Are you alright Tsuna-kun?" Enma ask and Tsuna nodded.

"You know you can come out now Bermuda , Jagger and everyone" he said as the Vendice appear. The First Generation flinch backward ( this time including Alaude and Daemon , well it's Vendice so what will you expect ).

"As expected from you Vongola Decimo" Bermuda complimented and Tsuna flinch.

"Don't worry they know already Tsuna-kun" Enma said.

"Oh..." Tsuna said blushing in embarrassment.

"Hahaha , don't be embarrass , you were asleep when Enma told them you know" Jager said.

"Anyway , we will take the prisoners with us Primo" Bermuda said facing Giotto.

"Okay , follow please" he replied and they all follow ( even Tsuna with Natsu in his arm ).

"Here they are" Giotto said and unlock the bars.

The Vendice chained them all up.

"You can visit us in your free time Decimo" Small Gia suggested.

"Okay , thanks Small Gia" Tsuna replied.

"Remember if it's you our HQ is always open , we will not attack you if that's what you are worried about" Alejandro teased.

"Ahahaha...I know you won't because I didn't do anything against the law Alejandro" he replied with a smile.

"We will arrest you if you do though" Jager joked.

"Ahahaha , yeah I know anyway , you don't need to wait for me to wake up you know , you could just get them" he said.

"But we want to talk to you and thank you , you know" Small Gia replied.

"No problem" he replied.

"See you next time Vongola Decimo" Bermuda said.

"Yeah , next time Bermuda , Jager and guys" he replied.

And so they disappear in the spot.

"What was that?" Cozart ask no one in particular.

"The Vendice" Enma replied.

"No , I mean did he just talk to the Vendice casually or am I dreaming?" He ask.

"No this is reality" Tsuna replied. The occupants are too shocked to say anything at all ( including Alaude and Daemon ).

"You really has that habit huh Tsuna-kun?" Enma joked.

"Huh? What habit?" He ask.

"Beating your enemies and turning them to be your friend" Enma replied.

"No I don't!" Tsuna glared *cough* pout *cough* at Enma.

"Then how will you explain the Varia ,  Byakuran and me?" He ask.

"Th-that's di-different..." Tsuna stuttered.

"Heh...really?" Enma ask with a smirk.

"Wait what do you mean by that?" Giotto ask.

"I tried to kill Tsuna-kun before" he replied.

"Why? Aren't you friends?" Asari ask.

"Well we are , but , we have some sort of misunderstanding so I tried to" he replied and give Daemon a glare.

"Why are you glaring at me?! Since you come here you just glare for no reason!" Daemon snapped.

"We hate you , Melon-Head!" Tsuna and Enma said at the same time with a death glare.

"Why you...!" But before Daemon can attack them he was stop by Giotto.

"You're not hurting them , not Cozart's Descendant and specially not my Descendant" He said with a death glare.

Daemon 'tch'ed and exited the room to look for Elena.

"Ho-how do you know?" Tsuna and Enma ask.

"Scratez Primo told us that's why Cozart and I got distracted that time and he managed to sneak an attack" Giotto replied.

"O-okay , anyway how long was I out?" Tsuna ask.

"3 hours Tsuna-kun" Enma replied.

"How's Talbot doing?" He ask.

"Probably doing the time-machine de gozaru~" Asari answered.

Tsuna and Enma eyes went wide and mouth a gaped.

"Oh I here your conversation with Talbot at the Garden when I fetch you" he replied.

"You know?! Why didn't you f*****g tell us flute-freak!!!" G yelled.

"I was about to , but I got interrupted remember the attack?" He replied.

G 'tech'-ed and pulled Giotto out of the room to do his paperworks.

"You still need a lot of rest! To the ultimate!" Knuckle said.

"Okay" and so Tsuna remained at the Infirmary with Natsu , Enma goes in their room , Giotto and G is at the office doing paper works , and others are already sleeping.


Chapter 9!!!

Sorry it's short!!!

Last Chapter is next!!!

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