Dancing with Aidan - Part 5

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In a second, his arms were around you and his lips crashed against yours. Unfortunately, his advance towards you took you by surprise, and you fell backwards onto your apartment floor, taking him with you. Your elbows hit the tile in front of your door, but mercifully, your head landed on the carpet. Aidan, however, landed on top of you, knocking the wind out of you.


Aidan scrambled up and immediately started fretting over you. "Oh, no! Oh, Y/N! I'm sorry! Are you okay? Can you move? Did you break something? Is your head okay? Ice! I'm gonna get you ice!"

He ran to the kitchen, ripped a small plastic bag from a drawer, and filled it with ice. Then, he wrapped a small dish cloth around the bag, and ran back to you. As he helped you sit up and gently applied the ice to your head, he kept muttering under his breathe, and you only understood a few things that he actually said. "Stupid... wasn't supposed to...made her fall...so dumb...really dumb..."

You couldn't help giggling. He looked at you, clearly upset with how the whole scenario took place. "Y/N, please stop laughing. This really isn't funny." For his sake, you tried. You put in as much effort as was humanly possible to try and hold in your laughter...and failed, your chuckles escalating to guffaws.

He sat on the floor and played with the dish cloth-wrapped ice bag, still upset. "Y/N, come on. Please? It's... it's really not that funny! I mean... You weren't supposed to fall. You were supposed to open the door, and I was supposed to rush in and kiss you and tell you how I had realized that the dance didn't feel right because I was trying to fake being in love with you, but that I couldn't fake being in love with someone that I was actually in love with, and you were supposed to smile or cry and tell me you loved me and then we'd sit on the couch and cuddle and kiss and... Oh geez, are you dying?!"

You couldn't help it! His tale of how this was all supposed to go was the cutest thing you'd ever heard, and you found it hilarious that he had thought about this in such detail, in the time since you had left the studio, only a few hours earlier. So, you laughed. You laughed until it hurt to laugh. You curled into a ball, gripping your aching abdomen, wheezing in and out, due to lack of oxygen from your incessant laughter. As your head began to feel dizzy, you sat up and concentrated on calming yourself down. A giggle would escape every few seconds, but they came less and less often as the minutes needed to calm yourself seemed to drag on. Finally, when you felt you had full control over yourself again, you looked into his coffee colored eyes and smiled encouragingly.

"So...tell me again how this was supposed to go? I promise, I won't laugh, this time. Or you could just...tell me what was so important that you had to come and see me, instead of calling."

Aidan groaned and sighed, once again nervous of what he needed to say. "Y/N... I realized why the dance was off. The dance is about passion and energy. One might say, you need acting to properly portray the electric feeling of the dance. So, I realized that while I have every confidence in my ability to act out this dance...it felt off because I was acting something that was already real. My love for you has developed in such a way, and to such an extent, that merely acting the passion out isn't enough; In fact, it's actually throwing it off-balance. I don't need to act out what I really feel for you. And, now... Now, I want to know if you have the same passion for me as I have for you. No, I... I need to know... Please, give me a shot."

You blushed and became shy throughout his whole speech. You'd been acting silly, yourself, towards him. You had been, until right before he knocked on your door, completely depressed with the thought of him leaving. It had never occurred to you that this could have been anything more than a one-sided love story. You'd fallen for him. There was no denying that, now. All that was needed to bridge the gap between you...was to answer him.

"Aidan... Is... Is this really all true?"

Aidan stared at you, his face falling. "No, Y/N. It is a hobby of mine to say such things to all the ladies I work with, just to get all your hopes up, because I delight in dashing them to pieces. Yes, it's all true!"

His sarcasm was refreshing. You'd always loved his jokes and sarcasm. You grinned.

"I just needed to be sure! You don't need to be so defensive, you goofball. As an answer to your question, of whether or not I feel the same passion and love for you, I do. I realized it a few days ago. And, I'm more than happy to give you a shot."

His entire demeanor had relaxed.


His body tensed again.

"How is this going to work? I mean... You're leaving soon, for work, aren't you? Is this just a fling or is this something you want to keep pursuing or...what?"

He relaxed, again, and gently took your hands in his, rubbing his thumbs across the backs of your hands.

"Yes, I am leaving for work, next week. No, this isn't just a fling...at least, I don't want it to be. And I don't know how it will work, but we'll make it work. We will figure it out, and if you have more time to stay up and talk, then maybe we can figure out a few pieces of this."

You smirked and nodded slowly.

"I've got time."

He slowly stood up, then gingerly pulled you up to him. He stared down at you, and brushed the back of his fingers against your cheek.

"Then, we better get started."

You and Aidan stayed up into the wee small hours of morning, the next day. You talked, made plans, cuddled, and kissed. He brushed his fingers through your hair, and touched his nose and forehead to yours before sweetly ensnaring your lips in kisses.

You fell asleep against Aidan's chest, listening to the sound of his heart and his voice. You hadn't really come to any conclusion. Aidan was still leaving for his next role, the following week, and would need to be away for a number of months. You, however, would remain here, simply doing everything you did before you enrolled in the dance class. However, despite the uncertainty of your futures together, you were happy that there, in those few precious hours, you knew that you loved each other. You had passed the hurdle of admitting it. The next hurdle was the festival.

Author's Note:
The truth is out, but how will this work out? Read Part 6 of Dancing with Aidan.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! As always, constructive criticism is always welcome. I hope you have a great day, and remember to be awesome to each other!

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