The Trapdoor

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Sagittarius's POV
I sat on my bed when I got into the room.
I went under my bed to grab my autistic guitar.
I started playing it and knew it had to be tuned.
I started tuning it while Aries and Leo were watching T.V.
"What are you doing?" Leo asked me.
"Bathing in cheese." I say.
"No idiot seriously what are you doing?" He says stubbornly.
"Tuning my guitar."
"Why didn't we get a guitar?" Aries asked.
"I don't know. I told them. I was just looking under my bed and saw a big case with my name on it."
I showed them the case that had stickers of places on them like my suitcase.
"Oh." Leo said.
"I'm going to the library." I told them.
"Can I come?" Leo asked.
"I guess, yeah." I told him.
I grabbed his jacket that is now mine and we went to the library.
"What are you going to do in here?" He asked.
"I'm going to that trapdoor thing that leads to the roof."
"Oh, what are you going to do up there?"
"Think." I told him.
"Oh, and can you not tell anyone about it?" I ask him.
"Sure, but why don't you want anybody up there?" He asks me.
"Cause I found it, and you followed me, and I just want it for thinking and for that nobody can go up there." I told him.
"Well then why can I go up there." He asks.
"Cause your you."
Leo's POV
We went up the stairs and I opened the trap door and pulled myself up there.
I grabbed Tari's hand and pulled her up.
"Thanks." She says.
"No need to thanks."
There were two chairs up there and a little cooler that was blue.
"I see you already got it ready." I say.
"Yeah, last night I couldn't sleep and there was stuff in the closet so I just put it up here."
"I forgot your an insomniac."
I tell her.
"Yeah, and a psycho to." She says.
"I don't think your that psycho I think Virgo is the most psycho."
She laughs.
She sits down on the chair and opens the cooler and grabs a popsicle.
I do the same and we just look at the sky.
"Wanna come up here tonight you insomniac?" I ask her.
"Sure. That's what I was going to do anyway."
"Okay." I tell her.
Aries's POV
I slept. I snored. I was awaken.
"Aries!" Leo yells.
"What?" I ask him.
"What are you doing?" "That's why you woke me up? To see what I was doing?"
"Yeah." He says smiling. "Sagittarius is sleeping and you are sleeping and I was bored."
"Well then why didn't you wake up your, girlfriend then?"
I ask him sarcastically.
"One, she isn't my girlfriend,"
"Yet." I interrupt.
He smirks.
"And two, she would kill me if I woke her up. He told me. You know she can't sleep that well."
"Yeah, I know. I say. Actually everyone knows Leo."
"Well, yeah."
He says.
"And I'm actually kinda glad you woke me up."
I say going to the bathroom.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because I had to go to the bathroom and I was in a really bad position."
I say rolling my shoulders and closing the bathroom door.
I got into my boxers and took of my shirt because after my day binging on potato chips and T.V I was tired and I was happy that Sagittarius didn't care what I wore to bed and didn't make a big deal about it like other girls did in the past.
I got out of the bathroom to see that Sagittarius was in the chair watching T.V while Leo was on his bed on his phone.
I went to my bed and fell asleep.

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