I'm Home

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Max Point Of View

I just arrived from my journey to Africa. I went to search where my new branch is coming up. It's in Nigeria, but the place is very good. I came home today but my kids don't know yet. I want it to be a surprise. So I arrived about two hours ago and I'm now on my way to my home.

I got things for all of them. I can't wait to see them, I've been away for about a month or so. I'm so excited to see my beautiful darling Lizzy. She called me everyday which was weird, every time she wanted to tell me something somebody took the phone from her.

But I'm going to ask her once I get home. The only actual time they act like that is if someone's in trouble. I thought I made myself clear when I told Jacob to discipline anybody who misbehaves. Maybe he didn't, but I know if he didn't it's a big deal.

It can't be so bad can it? Nah. I don't know.
Max stop panicking my consciousness said
I'm not panicking I said, I knew that was a lie because anytime I panicked, I start arguing with myself
Yeah I can see that my consciousness said
Okay I agreed.


"Mr. Stone you're back?" Jacob said
"Yes, I am." I answered very coldly.
"I should have told you." He said looking down. I knew when he did this it meant ' I know you're disappointed and I'm sorry. ' I knew all his gestures.
"Jacob, I'm sorry and I'm not disappointed okay? "
"okay he said." Since all my other guards were starring now I said "who wants to loose their jobs?" I asked they all got back to work and Jacob chuckled. "Did you tell them?" I asked, He looked confused so I added "that I'm coming today." He later smiled and said no before his features changed back to their normal stone cold appearance.

We walked to the door in silence like every other time but I only walked with Jacob. When we got to the door, Jacob knocked, the special way we use to knock when we were twenty one.

So everyone knew it was Jacob when he knocked like that. When no one answered I was confused, so I told him to knock again and no one came, so I just opened the door myself.

I knew I was angry because Jacob kept saying "Max, calm down." I wasn't going to calm down or else someone was on my leg or over the chair. I walked into the third sitting room upstairs too see Jake on his headphones and also watching TV.

Then I went on my loudest voice and said "I'm home." I saw his eyes dilate in fear. Then he got up too talk and I held out my hand and silenced him. I walked away because I could only see red by this time.

I got to my room and shut the door, no slammed the door. I was there for about thirty minutes before someone knocked and shouted "can I come in." I immediately knew who it was and said "yes." I knew she heard me but she just wanted me to say it again but I didn't. So, she just walked in.

"Hey dad."
"Honey, I missed you" I said as I stretched my hands to hug her she came running to me and hugged me. I knew how much she missed me. We talked for about an hour long then I asked why she called that long she told me how Jason wasn't feeling to good but he lied. Then fell unconscious for about two weeks and that's what she wanted to tell me.

Hailey didn't allow her which I understand. Then I asked what was wrong with her brother Jake then she explained he broke a lamp and blamed it on Josh who was shocked because he didn't even know the lamp was broken.

"We later found out it was him though." I chuckled and said "I guess my darling daughter found out first." She smiled her ear to ear smile and said "Yes." I chuckled.


Two hours later I was downstairs it was time for dinner so we all ate in silence. When everyone was done I said "your all excused" but before I was to speak again someone interrupted by saying "dad I'm sorry." I didn't want to hear it but I didn't say anything else I got up to walk away but then Jake whispered under his breath "I am the worst son ever."

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