What the truth does to you

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Tsuna listened to Byakuran closely absorbing the information that was given to him. Byakuran talked about the mafia, his famiglia, and Tsuna's heritage. Tsuna slowly realized that he will eventually be involved in the mafia and after a few minutes of cursing his ancestor and father he made a decision to do something about it.

"Byakuran..." Byakuran looked into Tsuna's orange eyes blazing with determination. "Byakuran can you make a promise with me?" Tsuna asked seriously.

"Yes I would love to make a promise with you after all you are my first friend and I... wish it to be more." Byakuran said the last part shyly.

"I do too Byakuran..." Tsuna said, grabbing Byakuran's hand and holding it tightly. "I promise to stay with you through thick and thin with strength and valor and we will help each other no matter what the cost." Tsuna promised.

"I promise to stay with you forever no matter how impossible with all my heart and soul and we will never lose sight of our goal no matter what it is." Byakuran promised pulling Tsuna into a hug which he happily returned.

"Byakuran can you teach me how to use my flames?" Tsuna asked.

"Of course I can Tsu-chan!" Byakuran exclaimed happily while Tsuna blushed at the nickname.

9 years later

Tsuna had grown a lot after 9 years with fully mastered flames with the help of Byakuran and an unknown man, he's also picked up a few skills along the way, one of which he is currently using to hack into Vongola.

"Come on, come on." The sound of typing echoed throughout the room. "Yes, I got in!" Tsuna exclaimed, tapping the last key and reading the page in front of him. His jaw soon dropped to the floor and he immediately called Byakuran.

"Byakuran! I'm going to be the tenth Vongola boss!" Tsuna exclaimed except instead of an excited voice it was a terrified voice.

"That's great but why do you sound so terrified?" Byakuran asked.

"Because Reborn is coming to teach me!!!" Tsuna exclaimed and Byakuran made a dreadful noise.

"You're on your own, please don't die." Byakuran said immediately hanging up.

"Byakuran you traitor!" Tsuna yelled at his phone before dialing another number.

"Spanner, is there any way to make my house Reborn proof?" Tsuna asked.

"Um maybe." Spanner said uncertainly.

"Just get over here and bring Sho-chan." Tsuna ordered before hanging up and mentally preparing himself for Reborn's arrival.

"Tsu-kun, your friends are here!" Nana called.

"I'll be right there Kaa-san!" He replied running down the stairs and ultimately tripping on that damn last step. (AN: He's still a little clumsy) He quickly rushed over to the door to see Spanner holding a Mini Mosca.

"Is that a new invention?" Tsuna asked while inviting them in.

"Yes it should help with Reborn proofing your house." Spanner said and activated it. The Mini Mosca flew out of his hands and started coating everything with lighting flames.

"You can keep him but you would need to get it recharged by your flames." Spanner said and Shoichi gave Tsuna a ring.

"To make it easier to recharge." Shoichi said.

"Thanks Spanner, Sho-chan." Tsuna said as he put the ring on. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked.

"Sure/ Yes please." They replied going to the dining room with Tsuna and soon Nana came and served them.

AN: I still have awkward endings anyway hope you enjoyed next the dreaded Reborn is coming. Good luck Tsu-chan!

New AN: Same as previous chapter

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