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First chapter! Hope you enjoy. Also, a huge thank you to clairetie for making the beautiful and stunning cover! I'd recommend her cover maker book.

The lights of The Astraea Apartment's penthouse shone through the darkness of the night, giving it an almost glowing appeal. The  Astraea was one of the tallest apartments in Vancouver. It was usually marvelled at by gawking tourists.

And it was near such a building that a figure moved, almost casual in appearance. The figure was moving quickly down the streets of Vancouver, away from Stanley Park, moving more inland. To anyone passing by, the figure wouldn't have stood out. It was only midnight and the city of Vancouver was always busy. Lots of people are just coming away from clubs in downtown, so a person moving quickly would usually just indicate a person who'd stayed out too late and was about to be in trouble with their partner. So no one gave the figure a second glance.

The figure turned off the street that The Astraea resided on. The figure picked up speed upon hearing police sirens, sirens heading in the opposite direction, heading towards Stanley Park. A cluster of university students stumbled as the figure cut through their hoard. One boy with dark read hair called after the figure with insults as he helped a short dark haired girl up after she'd been pushed down by the figure.

All of a sudden the figure darted into the street, narrowly avoiding being run over by a taxi full of drunk men. Amid the screeching of brakes, the figure ran into a green area on the water, across from the bustling skyscrapers.

A sign stood at the front of the area etched on wood declaring the name of the green area on the water as Harbour Green Park. The park was appropriately named, as the stretch of green grass with small trees sitting on the water edge was very green. There was a long trail for running, and in the middle of the park was a long fountain area filled with water. The park was completely deserted, except for a pair of lovers sitting on a blanket beside the pond, watching the water.

The figure walked to the other side of the fountain silently as not to draw the attention of the two others. The figure slipped behind a tall and sparsely dense tree beside the fountain.

A tall and pale woman stood behind the tree already, her hair as golden as a coin and her eyes just the same. The woman frowned at the figure as they appeared beside her, showing the woman's two white fangs.

The figure spoke; "Leila, do you have the item for me?" The figure spoke softly to the vampire woman. The woman nodded hesitantly and tossed the figure a small bag, almost weightless.

"What do you want that for?" The vampire woman spoke suddenly, interrupting the figure as they opened the bag.

"My dear Leila, these are most difficult to come by. An amulet with the power to dampen a werewolf's strength! Just imagine what I could do with this! Sure it only works once, but one dead werewolf will be satisfactory enough," the figure spoke, calmly as if they hadn't just spoke of killing another person. Leila took a step back, her golden eyes widening in horror.

"You wish to kill with that!" She whisper yelled, her golden eyes wide as she kept walking backwards.

"Ah, I thought we might hit this snare," the figure spoke calmly. In one flourish, the figure drew a long piece of wood from their jacket pocket and lunged at Leila. Leila dodged the first attempt and with the speed of a vampire, sprang backwards, only to find a tree blocking her escape. Her momentary confusion led the figure to take a step forwards, aiming a punch at Leila's jaw. Leila's head whipped back from the force of the blow, hitting the tree hard. She moved her head back up quickly just in time to see the figure stab a long piece of wood through her heart. Her golden eyes widened. She slowly fell to the base of the tree as the figure withdrew the wooden sword. Her golden eyes fluttered shut just as she hit she ground. Her head fell to the slide as she took her last breathe.

To anyone walking by in the dark, she'd look like she was sleeping.

The figure smirked to them-self. "Two down," they whispered. The figure put their hands in their pockets and started to skip away, whistling merrily to them-self.

New book! I hope you like it! Comment what you think will happen next!

Spellcaster's Cataclysm (Book 1 in The Cataclysm Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora