Poor Libby

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Hey guys, it's Bec! i just wanted to say, thanks to the few people who have been reading Stolen to the Darkness!! It's been hard to come up with a plot for it, but i've finally figured it out! So, thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy this chapter. it made me get a little sad at the end of it, so if you do, don't worry; i did. So PLEASE Vote and comment. The more votes and comments, the quicker i update!!!! Please, ask any questions you have about the characters, or anything, and i will answer to the best of my ability.

Love, Bec <3


A few days – or nights, I don’t know – passed, girls and boys kept coming in, and going out. Every time, I started to cry. They were all so young. My age, and younger. I knew that every time one left, they would either die, or live. It was a scary thought. Any day, I could be one of them. Going out to face my opponent. Sure, fighting was my specialty, I loved it. But…this thing – the Death Wishers – was designed to test people. To test their abilities. They would pick a hard match for me.  I had lay down on the floor; waiting for something to come. Andy would occasionally say something. He was nice. I think he was the one who kept me sane.

“Hey.” Andy said, poking my head. I looked up at him, not moving my head off the ground.

“You realise your shaking?” he said. I was. I was terrified.

“I…I wanna go home. I want my mom, I want my brother. I just…wanna go home. I want this to be all over.” I shut my eyes, and then the doors opened again. The big Ape walked in grinning. I sat up, and hugged the girl beside me.

“No. You can’t take her. I won’t let you.” I said. They usually took the people that were around me. I think just to tease me. He chuckled.

“As much as I want to, I’m not here for that. It’s chow time!”  Some doors at the other side of the room opened and someone else started handing out plates. A guy four people away from me tried throwing himself at the door, but the chains pulled him back. He started to scream

“LET ME OUT! MY MOM NEEDS ME!!! AAH! LET ME OUT!!!!! AAAAHH!” I shook my head and shut my eyes. He was losing his mind. I would be like that soon too. I think that was the scariest part of this. The big Ape took the Taser gun he had in his pocket, and shocked the guy. He collapsed. I winced and turned my head away. A plate landed in front of me. It was a ball of potatoes and one piece of chicken.  I scrunched my nose.

“You guys think this is nutrition?” I asked.

“It’s good enough princess. Handle it.” I scoffed.

“You know, to live we need water.” He shrugged.

“Today you get fed. Tomorrow you get water. Everyone is different.” The girl beside me started convulsing. I shuffled away.

“Help her!!!” I shouted at him. He sighed.

“Great. Another epileptic. Andrew, you know what to do.” He nodded to the other guy. The girl started crying. She was foaming from the mouth. She was gonna die. The other guy grabbed her and started dragging her out. I tried to grab her.

“NO! SHE NEEDS HELP! SHE CAN LIVE IF YOU GET HER MEDICINE! PLEASE!” They laughed and locked the doors again. I curled into a ball, and rocked back and forward. That girl would be dead. She would die. They wouldn’t care.

“Hey…you should eat.” Andy said. I looked up at him.

“How can I eat…when this is happening to all these people? It’s not RIGHT!” He nodded.
“Right. But you could be picked to fight any day now. You need your strength. You haven’t eaten since you got here.” He pushed my plate closer to me. I sighed, and took a bite out of the horrible potatoes and the chicken. It was horrible, but I was so hungry, I couldn’t help but scoff them down. He smiled.

“Good. Now drink this.” He handed me his glass of water. I frowned.

“You need your strength. You should drink.” He shook his head.

“You need it more than I do. Doesn’t really…appeal to me either.” I reluctantly took the water, and skulled it down. When it was gone I looked at him.

“Andy…thank you for helping me.” He shrugged.

“This place shouldn’t exist. The best I can do is help.” He shrugged. I sighed and rested my head on my knees.

“Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?’ I asked, just trying to keep my mind busy. He smiled.

“I like photography. I love taking photographs.”  I smiled.

“That’s cool.” He chuckled.

“I wanted to go to Yale, or Oxford university in England, but I kept getting caught up in this. “ I nodded.

“So how old exactly are you?”

“Just turned 18. You?”

“17.” He smiled.

“That’s cool. What do you like doing?”

“I admit, I’m a bit of a book worm. I’ll read anything. And every other second I get, I practice my moves. My family actually descended down from the amazing James McIntosh.” He raised his eyebrows.

“Really?” I nodded.

“No one else after him did it though. I’m the first in a while. Even my brother hates martial arts. I love it though. It’s like my life.” He grinned.

“So, right now you could kick my ass?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t tempt me pretty boy.” We laughed.

“HEY! SHUT UP IN THERE! THIS AIN’T A GOSSIP MEETING!” Someone yelled in. Andy shushed me. I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

“If I ever get out of here…I have to do something.” I said. He tilted his head.

“How?” I shrugged.

“I don’t know. People don’t deserve this! We aren’t pawns in some sick chess game! We aren’t made for these people’s entertainment.” I said. Andy blinked.

“You’re right.” I nodded.

“I know. Like, this isn’t-“The doors opened.

“You two shut up! And princess…I’ve got you a friend.” The Ape took his hands out from behind his back, and pulled a little girl in a white bed gown standing up. I gaped.

“What…the hell…” I whispered. Her lips were quivering. She didn’t utter a word, but her eyes to me screamed HELP ME! I opened my right arm, and she ran to me. The Ape pulled one of her arms off me, and attached her to the wall beside me.

“The council thought it would be interesting with a kid. See you guys later.” He locked the door. I gaped at Andy. He shook his head in disgust. I looked at the little girl, and wiped away my tears. I managed a small smile.

“Hey. I’m Bec. What’s your name?” I asked soothingly. She smiled weakly.

“I’m Libby. I just woke up, but I don’t know where my mummy is. Do you?” I bit my lips.

“NO sweetie, I don’t. Yeah, I bet you just woke up. How old are you Libby?” She held up 8 fingers.

“I’m six.” I felt like something punched my gut. I pulled her back closer to me.

“Oh my gosh…it’s gonna be okay Libby. I won’t let them get you.” She giggled in my ear.

“You’re just like my mummy!” She said. I nodded.

“You’ll see mummy soon. Are you hungry?” She nodded, and I gave her the rest of my food. All this time, Andy watched me look after her.


Hope this satisfied you guys!!! And :O Poor Libby (Hence the chapter name) Ask away my lovelies :) And don't forget: Vote!!

Love, Bec <3

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