Chapter 2

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"She was confirmed dead on arrival. I'm so sorry," the Doctor told us.

"No! Oh, my God! No!" Syn's friends let out an ear piercing cry.

Chris grabbed Missy before she could fall to the ground, Blaze and King did the same. Blaze grabbed Peaches as King took hold of both his girl and Kim, holding them tight against him. 

"We tried to save the baby, but he lost too much blood, I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor explained to me before he turned and walked off.

I heard what the doctor said, but my mind couldn't process it. I couldn't believe she was dead. This couldn't be how we ended. I couldn't accept what I was told so because of that, I felt nothing, my insides were numb.

"Lord, come take me home." I didn't wait for him to say anything, I turned around and made my way out of the hospital. Once I got to Chris' truck, I got inside and then grabbed the blunt that was in the cup holder. I lit it and pulled on the swisher hard. I then reached in the backseat and grabbed the bottle of Henny. Taking the top off, I tossed the bottle back.

Chris finally made it to the truck, he opened the back door and helped Missy in the backseat. I looked over at her and shook my head. Chris then hopped in the driver's seat, he looked over at me.


My hand waved at him, cutting his words off. I didn't know what he was gonna say, but I knew he was going to be on some sensitive, remorseful type shit. I didn't wanna hear that bullshit at that moment.  "Man, just drive," I told him before I turned up the radio. Plies' All Black, played through the speakers. I continued to smoke and toss the bottle of Henny back, my head bobbed to the beat as I began to feel the song lyrics.

Neither of us said another word as he drove us to the crib.


Chris pulled in front of the house and put the truck in park. I grabbed his keys from the ignition then got out and headed to the front door. Chris had keys to all of my houses just in case of an emergency which was a good thing because I didn't have mine. When Syn left she took them with her.

When I got inside the house, I went straight to the guest room. I pulled off my red shirt and tossed it on the bed as I went into the closet. I took a black hoodie off the hanger and tossed it on the bed. I then grabbed the bulletproof vest and put it on.

Chris tapped on the room door as he leaned against the frame of it. A blunt was placed between his lips. He took a long pull from it. "Where we riding to?" He asked as a cloud of smoke left his mouth.

I didn't respond to him right away as I walked back into the closet and grabbed the chest with my guns in it. I grabbed both of my automatic .9mm Uzi's and the hundred round magazines. I sat both the guns and the magazines inside a duffle and then went back into the room.

I took out a few more clips for the Desert Eagles I was carrying. I loaded the guns up then tucked them at my waist. After I pulled on my hoodie, I then turned to address Chris.

"We ain't going nowhere. I just need to get my head right," I told him as I slung the duffle over my shoulders.

Chris raised a brow and pointed to my bag. "You need all that to clear yo head?" He took another pull of the blunt.

Chris was every bit of family to me and I loved the nigga like we were blood. But I didn't want to hear shit he had to say at that moment. I didn't even wanna talk to him or anybody else for that matter, for real.

"Lord, I ain't tryna hear shit you about to say because regardless of what's about to come out yo mouth, I'm still about to walk up out this bitch. So keep that be smart bullshit yo ass about to try and preach to yo gotdamn self."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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