Chapter 5: Popcorn

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Hi! Umm...Welcome to chapter 5 of One Of A Kind!! Thx for reading and remember to comment!! I love your comments! Thx to those who did! ENJOY!!


Delirious's POV

      I lay there, on the chair again. For another day, just staring at the ceiling. How did he know about my sister? I didn't want anyone to know about it. My eyes started to water at the thought of how happy me and my sister were. Until they decided to ruin it. A pair of footsteps made me escape my thought. The door opened to reveal Wildcat and Mini. They had huge smiles on their faces. "Hey, Del!"

"Hi, whats with the smile."

"Oh, nothing! Except Vanoss said that your getting out of the chair today!" My eyes widened and I leaned forward.


"In a few minutes, we're waiting for Vanoss to come and get the keys."

       "Oh! No need! I can just do this!" I grabbed the metal around my hands and the metal started to get rusty. It evaporated fully. There eyes were huge and filled with shock. "How did you do that? Know one can get through that kind of metal!"

      "Not everyone." I got up from the chair, they looked up at me. Yes I was still very tall. We heard the door open once more, it was Vanoss. He held a pair of keys, but dropped them once he saw the chair. "Really?! That costed millions to just get that kind of metal!!!" I looked down at the chair.


       "Uh, whatever." He then guided me to a room with blue walls and a blue bed! YASSS!! "This is your new room." I jumped on the bed and and got off, it felt like memory foam! YASSS! "Thank you!" He nodded. He showed me the rest of the mansion house. They had a pool on the roof! I kinda like these guys. 

~Time Skip~

       It was getting pretty late and we were watching a movie. It was a horror movie, Cabin In The Woods. Lui was sleeping on Daithi's lap, and Mark was in Jack's lap. Vanoss was sitting beside me, popcorn in hand. I occasionally stole some popcorn but he would grab my arm and eat it out of my hands. 

        I tried this tactic again, but this time he licked my hand! "EWW! OH MY GOD!! WHY??!!" Lui jumped out of Daithi's lap, onto the floor. Everyone started cracking up.

"Because! Don't steal my popcorn!"

"You don't have to lick me!" I wiped my hand on his shirt. He started to laugh.

"Yes I do! It's the only way to make you stop!" He laughed even harder

"Whatever, don't do it again, please."

"Or what, you'll take away my lollipop?!"

"N-No! I'll eat all the popcorn!"

"I don't see that happening!"

 "Well I do! Don't do it again!"

        "Fine!" We continued to watch the movie but I stole the popcorn once again...Bad decision. He grabbed my arm and licked my whole arm to my shoulder. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! GIMME DAT POPCORN!!" I grabbed the popcorn bowl and ran out of the room. He's chasing me around the mansion trying to take back what was his.

         My tail and ears came out and I started to run a lot faster. He got out his golden brown wings and started to soar to me. I looked back but I did at the wrong time, I hit a wall and fell backward, sending the popcorn flying. Vanoss thought fast and he grabbed all the popcorn with his wings and touched the ground, still holding the popcorn. He started to eat the popcorn from his wings. "Mine! I told you, don't mess with me and my popcorn, Del." I grabbed his legs and made him trip. 

       The popcorn went flying once again but into my mouth in a straight line. My cheeks were full of popcorn. I got up and looked down at Vanoss. I swallowed all the popcorn and laughed down at him. "It's my stomach's now." He growled at me and pounced on me, making me fall and him being on top. "You owe me popcorn."

"I do, do I?

"A whole bag!"

"I don't have any popcorn, Vanoss!"

"Well go get some!"

        "I can't get it if your on top of me!" He got off of me and pointed to the kitchen. I growled and made my way to the kitchen, making some more popcorn. "Put some extra butter in it please!" Vanoss yelled across the room. I gave him the finger, but he didn't see. But I also forgot he has thoughs eyes that could see everything."What did you just do???!!!!!"


"It didn't seem like nothing! Remember I can see anything! I'm part owl!"


           "...Just hurry up!" I growled once more and brought the popcorn to him. I handed the popcorn to him, he smiled at me and started to laugh. I sat down next to him crossing my arms. "Does Johny need to be tickled?!"

"Wtf? No!"

"Too late!" He pounced on me again, grabbing my sides and tickling me. I started to laugh and try and free myself but it was no use. "S-Stop! I-I c-can't breath!" I said in between laughs. He let go and I could finally breath again. Everyone else laughed too and continued to watch the movie. "Don't do that! I just want to watch the movie!"

"You said you watched it like hundred's of times!"

"Ya! Because I like it so much! Now shuch up!"


      We continued to watch the movie until Vanoss fell asleep on my lap. I smiled at the Canasian. I started to comb his hair with my hand, waking him up. He turned and looked at me. "Don't touch what you can't afford, Delirious." He started to giggle and smile. He reached down his pocket and got out some sunglasses and put them on.


"F U!!!"

"What time?"

       "OH MY GOD!! SHUCH UP, BOY!" We both started to laugh and make hilarious jokes until it was 2 in the morning.

         "We should go to bed, it's 2 in the morning." Vanoss got up and grabbed my hand bringing me along with him. We all got upstairs and went to bed.


Hi everyone! Hope Ya'll liked this chapter! Please leave a comment!! PLEASE! 

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