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(That's what Hailey is wearing)
Michael's POV:
She's beautiful. Everything about her is beautiful. Her red lips, her pale skin, her icy blue eyes, her blonde hair with its blue and pink tips at the bottom. Everything but the bruises. She's always covered in bruises and I have no idea why. I guess I should probably tell you who I'm talking about.....Hailey Quinn. The shy, funny, sweet, crazy, good girl. But, I think she's scared of me. After all I am the son of the Joker and my dad did abuse her mother. But, daddy says that if she's anything like her mum she's pure gold. I won't lie, my dad is crazy, and for the most part I probably am too. But who cares right? I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Michael Clifford and I'm the son of the Joker. I've got the same green hair, red lips, sharp teeth, pale skin, and crazy smile just like my dad. There are always dark circles around my eyes and red around my lips like him too. Anyway. Right now I am sitting in English class tapping my foot on the floor to the beat of the ticking clock impatiently. I got to South Sydney High School with all the normal kids. They are aware who Hailey and I's parents are. Batman's twins, Damian and Helena Way e, also go here. Only difference is that everyone loves them and thinks they are perfect and everyone hates me and Hailey and thinks we are mentally insane freaks. The bell finally rang and I jumped out of my seat ready to leave this deadbeat school. "Michael please come see me after school and bring Hailey Quinn with you" Mrs. Robins told me. I nodded before running out of the classroom. But instead of going to lunch I sat down on the front steps of the school and pulled a cigarette out of my pocket. "Ew what a freak" I girl spat walking by with her friend. Her friend giggled and the girl smirked. I rolled my eyes and stuck my leg out making them both trip. I got up and walked back into the school ignoring the whispers as I walked by. I went down an empty hall searching for a quiet place. I hate school, it's horrible and useless. But, this hall wasn't empty. "Please just leave me alone" I heard a quiet voice beg from further down the hall. "And what are you going to do if I don't" I heard a guy say. I walked around the corner just in time to see Damian Wayne push Hailey into the lockers. Hailey didn't say anything she was just looking down at her feet. "Answer me freak!" Damian yelled in her face. "Look. Just leave me alone and we can pretend that this never happened." Hailey suggested. Damian chuckled. "How about No" he spat. He lifted his arm to punch her and she flinched and closed her eyes. But I grabbed his arm just in time to stop it from touching her. "Woah. Nice of you to join the freak party Mr. J" Damian chuckled. "Haha very funny" I said bluntly before punching him right in the fast. Hailey gasped. "Michael you can't just going around punching people they already think we're monsters" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall. "Get back here you freaks. My Dad is going to get you for this" Damian called as we walked down the hall. "Who cares what they think" I asked. She frowned. "I just dont want them to hate me more than they already do" she said sadly. The bell rang and she disappeared into the crowd trying to get to last period in time.

When the last bell rung I waited for Hailey at her locker. But, when she saw me she starts walking the other way. "Hailey!" I called jogging to catch up with her. "What do you want? Mum said to stay away from you" She told me. "Mrs. Robins told me to get you and meet her and her room after school. Do you always listen to what your mum says" I asked. "Most of the time" she said.

When we got to Mrs. Robins room she looked at us disappointed. "You're late" she said. "What like 5 minutes" I asked. "More like 10" she said. I shrugged. "Anyway I need to talk with y'all" she said. We nodded. "I've noticed that Hailey always has bruised covering her body and with your parent's history i think they're from you" She said looking at me. My eyes widened. "What do you mean because of our parent's history. Just because my dad abused her mum doesn't mean I bully her" I exclaimed. Hailey nodded. "But your parents-" Hailey cut her off. "We're not our parents Mrs. Robins" she said rolling her eyes. Mrs. Robbins nodded. "Okay. Well in that case. Michael is failing and I was wondering if you could tutor him" She said. Hailey's eyes widened. "What? Um, I don't know, I'm not supposed to, well, I guess, maybe, my mom, I don't know. " she started rambling. "She fine with it" I said. Hailey gave me a look like 'wtf are you talking about' but I just smirked and smiled innocently at Mrs. Robbins. We walked out of the classroom and Hailey pushed me. "How dare you answer for me. I'm not supposed to be around you and now I'm supposed to go to your house...with your dad. And in case you've forgotten, he abused my mother" she exclaimed. "Don't worry I'll protect you" I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. But just so you know I am not gonna fall hopelessly in love with you if that's what your hoping for. I may be as crazy as my mum but I'm not as stupid as her" she said. I smirked. "We'll see about that" I chuckled. She scoffed and stormed out of the school.

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