Chapter 11 : The Car Conversation

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Normal POV
"NO!I have really painful contractions.UHG!!"Flora said squeezing tight Helia's hand.
"Do you think it's time?"Bloom asked taking Sky's arm with scared expression.
"No!They are just...early contractions AHH!!"Flora screamed squeezing Helia's hand EVEN tighter.
"Um..Helia?Don't you think it's better to get her in the hospital?I don't think she can be like this all day."Sky asked looking at him and the scared Bloom beside him.
"Yeah I think so too Helia.She's in serious pain."Brandon said looking at the screaming in pain Flora.
"Ok we're taking- "Helia said but he was interrupted by Flora.
"Um..Guys?I think my water just broke."Flora said scared at the group.
"OH MY!!!OH MY!OH - MYY!!"Bloom said squeezing Sky's hand.
"Bloom calm down!Flora in giving birth not you!"Sky said to Bloom.
"Oh my god!!It really hurts"Flora said clutching her eyes and teeth together
" no panic.Someone has to take the bags from our house and..we will go in the hospital."Helia said holding Flora's hands."Guys..can you please go in our house and take the bags?"
"Sure dude we'll handle it.You go!"Brandon said tapping Helia's back.
"Thanks but you don't know where they are how you're gonna-"
"Musa UHG!! Knows where they are.I showed her the last time we met each other."Flora said
"Well then Musa have to go with Brandon,Sky,Timmy,Riven and Nex right?"Helia asked.
"Um actually I want to stay here."Nex said walking beside Aisha/Layla
"I would like to stay too.I don't know what I'm going to do there."Riven said
"Ok then let's go!We don't have much time."Sky said taking his keys for the car from his pocket.Sky,Brandon,Timmy and Musa entered the car and after a while Musa started showing them the way to Flora's house.Musa took out her phone to call Helia and tell him that they're on their half way there.Flora's house wasn't too far but it had 30 minutes with the car.When Musa hang up the phone she felt something like nausea.Sky was riding the car with Brandon beside him and Musa was оn the backseat with Timmy.
"Sky stop the car!"Musa said covering her mouth with her hand.
"Why?"Sky asked continuing on his way.
"JUST-STOP- THE-DAWN-CAR!"Musa yelled at Sky and her stopped the car.A couple of seconds after that Musa opened the door and vomited.
"Um...are you okay there?"Brandon asked looking back at her.When she finished she closed the door and put her head in her hands.
"I don't know let's just...continue on our way ok?"She said crossing her hands while looking bored at the window.
"Ok but-"
"Wait stop!"She said and Sky stopped again.She opened the door and vomited again.
'No..i can't continue like that..'Musa thought.She finnished and closed the door.
"Can we FINALLY go now?"Sky said annoyed from all this stopping.Musa didn't answered.She was just sitting there with one hand on her face watching the window like nothing has happened.
"Oh...kay then"He said as he continued driving.Musa was thinking what if the think she's thinking actually happened.'What if i?............OH NO!!No no no no no .NOOO!!!'She thought widening her eyes.Timmy noticed that she was worried and wondered if it's a good idea to ask her if she's alright, but since it was not his problem he ignored her and continued what he was doing.
When they finally stopped in front of Flora's house they got off of the car and went upstairs to take the bags for Flora and Helia's baby.

Well..what do you think?I like it.It's getting mysterious.Boo..JK😂Sorry.I know it's short but we have so much homework and I'm thankful that i even have time for that little.But really, I promise the other chapter will be longer.Are you excited about Flora's baby?I am! XD Comment if i should make it a boy or a girl and the name.I know what i want but i just want to see your opinion just in case.Who knows?Maybe I'II change my mind. Is Flora gonna have a boy or a girl?Is it true what Musa might be thinking? Find in chapter 12.
~ Bb loves 💞🌸

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