The Chronicles of Cloud

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One Time When The Soldiers Of Harmony Asked Cosmos Firion Mumbled "cosmos i can see something about cloud can you tell about his legend" then every one said "hmm its a curious question" said zidane cosmos started to talk "cloud strife he is a infantrymen of the shinra company when he assisted his soldier comrade zack while walking in Nibelhiem against genesis copies then they started to talk about their countries then zack ask his named and cloud smiled and told his name,lets go to the chase,zack final stand was in midgar with the buster sword he was wielding when zack won with gunshots everywhere in his body zack said "live, my dreams and honor they will be now yours cloud and you are my living legacy" and zack died and pass the buster sword to cloud and cloud instantly become soldier 1st class just as the position of zack "my name is cloud soldier first class" cloud said and looking for his nemisis sephiroth and he was with tifa his childhood friend they were together always and now they are married and they were summoned to the world of kingdom hearts squall,cloud,tifa and sephiroth while in there cloud and sephiroth clashed and clouds darkness was appeard with a black wing and for how many years cloud was cloaked in light and he met sora a keyblade wielder and cloud has a keyblade too and he wants to be alone always when zack is living still cloud and he will be always together and cloud is not smiling notice it warriors when they fought with sephiroth,luckily cloud won and the darkness of the kingdom hearts was gone because of cloud, sora thanked him as the savior of kingdom hearts then cloud was back to his own world and he stopped using the buster sword as a sign of his love to his family and friends sephiroths disease called geostigma infected cloud and sephiroth clinged back to life and they clash again sephiroth was defeated again and cloud died he died in the destroyed church of slums but the children sprinkled water to cloud the water of the slums called all children with geostigma and they were told by aerith told the people in the city to go at the church because cloud will heal all of them and he healed first his nephew denzel he was infected too when it was effective all children wants to be healed too and cloud saw aerith and zack they were dead but spirits saying farewell to cloud the cloud said i will never be alone and cloud was happy.

"I See That As Always He Is Always alone and quiet and i understand" Warrior Of Light Said.

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