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Am- am I pregnant? N-no I can't be...


Y/N's P.O.V

"I can't be pregnant... What's juuzou gonna think?!" I say freaking out.

"I'm not completely sure though..." I said as I run in my room to get my keys (ur 18) and shoes and run to my car.


I get to the drug store and buy two boxes of pregnancy test "$2.56 please" the casher asks in a sad bores tone "here, keep the change" I say as i run back to the car "please don't be pregnant.." I say to myself


I run inside my home and close the door. I rip open the box and take one..

I wait a little bit and check...


"N-no... Another take another one it might be broken" I think to myself. I take one more





I took all of them... All positive....

I start to cry "I can't be pregnant.. Why" I cry as I throw things breaking everything...

"I have to tell juuzou.." As if on cue my doorbell rings "c-coming!!" I said wiping my face and walk to the door and open it..

And guess who's there...

Juuzou FUCKING suzuya...

"Hi Y/N!! I wanted to see you wanna hang out?" He asked smiling "y-yeah!! Sure come on in m-make you're self at home!" I say fake smiling

"Can I use your bathroom? I didn't use it when I left..." He asked "yeah go ahead! I'll make popcorn" "Kay thanks" he said then I remembered

"JUUZOU!!" I yell but I'm to late he already in there "Y/N.. What it this?" he asked liftings a pregnancy test "are you pregnant?" He asked

"I-im so sor-" I was cut off by him hugging me "j-juuzou?" "I've never been so happy in my life..." He said smiling and crying in joy

"W-wa?" I say confused "I'm so so so so happy!! I'm gonna be a dad!!" He said smiling jumping around I smile "I was so scared you wouldn't love me anymore.." "Your so silly!! I can't believe you didn't tell me!!" He said still smiling

*Time skip to 9 months*


Another cliffhanger srry it's like 4 am I'm tired...

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