On the Brink

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Am I really here?
Is what I ask myself
Originality is what I'm searching for but everywhere I look what I do is a copy
Am I needed or am I not
Because right about now it feels like I'm not
Everywhere I go people shield away is it because I'm not desirable enough or that I don't have a unique enough personality without going all out here and there
Life is a mystery that twists itself into a confusing sick puzzle
I used to be good at puzzles then I got to the big ones and stopped doing them because I felt like that was to much of a challenge?
The question of whether I should just give up on life like I do with puzzles or try and eventually get it turns inside out in my head.
Eventually I feel that if it gets harder I might just throw it all away.
Besides what do have to lose other than the loved ones I do have, although in rare numbers, which is the cracked branch holding me on to the cliff and keeping me from plummeting into the darkness. I don't know when the branch will break but when it does there will be no doubt if I fall or not
Because the answer is clear
I won't tell you
You'll just have to see what happens won't you

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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