To love of Bastion: Bastion x Reader

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Authors note:
Hello, again everyone!! Today's is a bastion x reader because Omnics need love too!!

Requested for: FoxesandRoses hope you enjoy!!!

You were hated, tortured, even abused...because you loved an omnic. But he wasn't like the others... He was different, he was special.....he was bastion. That's why you loved him. Because he wasn't an omnic, he was a bastion....

You walked the dead cold streets. Tired, sad, wanting hope for your own life. You decided to take a rest on the bench, that had a light shining upon it. You sat there quietly to yourself.

Then suddenly, a blanket was warmly placed on you. You stood in shock, afraid to turn around, but held the blanket tightly. Suddenly, a you heard a cheerful robotic sound. You smiled to yourself, before turning to hug Bastion. He let out a another happy sound, before he handed you a pretty red rose.

"Why, hello bastion! This rose is quite lovely!How did you find me?" You asked politely.

That was a curious question? How did he fine you? It's pitch black out.

Bastion let out another noise before; he pointed down at the ground. You looked down to see that it was a very bright red paint covered foot prints, that looked like yours. You looked confused, until you remembered that you stepped into something earlier as you walked. But you didn't pay attention. So it was paint you stepped in to...

You looked up at Bastion, and began to laugh. Bastion seeing this let out a happy singing tone. You claimed on top of him and sat next to him as he then started walking.

"Nobody can replace our love for each one." You said to him

'Beeep,bop,beeeep!!" He said lovingly as you two took a romantic walk in the darkness..


Author's note:

Hello everyone! Wasn't that a sweet bastion story? I thought it was. But anyways; I hope you enjoyed this story.

Up next: x reader!!!

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