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Marcel's pow*

"Hmm, louis thought. Marcel.., truth or dare?

I kinda stiffened, what should I pick? Well, I don't wanna them to think that I'm a wimp if I chose truth, so I'll just pick dare.

Umm, dare." I nervously replied.

Hmm... I dare you to let us give you a complete makeover.

What? They wanna give me a makeover? That's it? Well that doesn't seem that bad I guess.

Okay. I replied


They all got ready and went to the bathroom.

Do any of you have conditioner? Or shampoo?" Louis asked

Me! I always keep a pack in my backpack!" Zayn replied

Perfect! Go get it.

Zayn got his conditioner, and liam brought some of his clothes, this isn't that bad?

Okay, let's start of with his hair, louis said, Zayn! Can you wash his hair with shampoo and conditioner, since you're the master...

Why yes I can! Zayn smiled while getting his products,

Okay Marcel, let's do this! Zayn yelled.

He takes out the sprinkler and washes Marcel's hair, he puts and little shampoo on his hand, then continues to was his hair. Then he takes the conditioner and put that too. He waits a while then washes his hair. Then he takes out his blow dryer and dries Marcel's hair, making it all fluffy and curly.

When Zayn was all done with washing Marcel's hair, he takes him to the others to see how they like it.

Woah! They all say at the same time. You look great!

Oh, well thanks guys hehe, Marcel giggles, making a nerdy voice

Ok marcel, your hair looks great and all, but you need to make your voice sound manly. Like "Hey girl, you wanna go out to dinner? I can make you have a good time" Niall jokes. Hey, test it out on Nicole!

Okay! Marcel says while walking to Nicole

Hey girl, would you like me to take you out to dinner? I'll make sure you have a good time. Marcel says to Nicole, making his voice manly.

There ya go! Yeah like that!" They all start to clap, and marcel blushes.

Ok what about his clothes? Liam asked

Oh yeah! Do you have them? Nicole asked.

Yeah, they're right here. Marcel! Go to the shower and try this on. Then come show us.

Ok. I say, and walk to the bathroom to try it on, they don't want me to look in the mirror till they're finished. These clothes look tight...

Nicole's pow*

Marcel just went to go change, so me and the boys talk some more

Hey Nicole, what's up with you and Marcel? You like him or something? Niall ask teasingly,

Noth-nothing ok? We're just friends. I lied, I didn't want him to know I liked Marcel. He would tease me along with the boys. Plus marcel might not even like me back.

C'mon! Niall asked. I see the way you look at him and smile, and how you giggle at his clumsiness, you totally like him!

I do not! I blush

Then why are you blushing? Niall smirks.

Because I-you- because you're embarrassing me! I blush even more.

Just tell me!! Niall begs. I swear I won't tell anybo-

Guys I'm done!!! Marcel yells down the hall. We all look up as he walks in. Wow. He looks amazing!

You look amazing I say as he blushes. But you need to sag, you can't wear your pants up to your stomach. I say while loosening it up. It was kinda awkward,

But this is uncomfortable! Marcel whines.

Would you rather look good? Or feel uncomfortable? Pick one. Zayn jokes

Uhhggghhh ok! Marcel agrees.

Ok! Louis says, you can look in the mirror now....


Heyy guys! Updated! Do you think I should continue this book? Comment if I should, because I don't wanna bored you guys.. Vote! Comment! Reaaad!!!!

Love ya guys!

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