The Recording Studio..and Llamas

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*Natasha’s PoV*

It’s been two weeks and schools starting tomorrow… honestly I feel like crying, I’m not ready for this… Everyday I’ve been meeting up with Jimmy and he’s been helping me with math and science and well, everything. I want to at least have some sort of idea of what I’m walking into. He thinks I’m smart enough to catch on but I don’t know…I just don’t know… Adam’s been trying to get me to eat lately and it’s really rough. Every time he gives me food I end up forcing myself to just throw it up later. I feel like I’m betraying him but I can’t stand putting on extra weight. Some people think it’s wasteful to do that and I agree but I can’t stop myself.

I was about to head out the door to meet Jimmy at the park when Adam stopped me. “Hey kiddo,” he said as he ruffled my hair a bit. “I know that you’re really nervous about school, so I had a plan to help you unwind today.” I looked at him confused but he put his hand on my back and gently pushed me out the door towards his car. “Come on, it’ll be fun, I promise.”

I walked towards the car and saw Brad, Neil, and Barry inside. I hopped into the back next to Neil and Barry.

“I still don’t see why Brad gets shotgun, I called it first!” complained Neil.

“It’s cuz I’m better,” Brad said.

“Well at least I get to sit next to this cool kid,” said Neil, sticking out his tongue at Brad. I just laughed while Brad rolled his eyes.

“How’ve you been kid?” Barry asked.

I had to think of my response. “I’ve been alright. I’m just scared about school.”

“It’s not that bad,” Brad said. “You know, high school is where Adam and Neil and I became friends and started a band. As long as you’ve got friends then I promise it’ll be great.”

“I just haven’t been to school since I was 8 and I don’t know what to expect… I missed out on 5 years of school.”

All of them had surprised looks on their faces.

“Five years?” Brad asked with his jaw wide open.

“Uhm yeah…” I said awkwardly.

Neil put his arm around me and messed up my hair. Why does everyone love messing up my hair? “You’ll be okay kid. I can tell you’re smart, you’ve got common sense and I know you’ll pull through just fine.”

Barry nodded in agreement. “You’re gonna be fine and if you need any help you can just come to us and if anyone’s picking on you, you can just come to me,” he said while cracking his knuckles.

Everyone just laughed and it helped ease my worry about school. Suddenly the car stopped and I looked out the window. We were at a recording studio. They all got out of the car like this was normal but I was shocked. I’ve never been inside a recording studio and doubt a lot of people my age have. Adam opened my door and egged me to come out. “Come on Tosh, you’ll love it,” he said.

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