Something More

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I opened my eyes to see a fan spinning it's blades continuously in front of me. It's movements were oddly hypnotic as they whisked around in circles, each blade making a clicking noise whenever it passed a certain point. This fan is getting old. I blinked my eyes and turned to focus on my surroundings.

"Kris?" a man with a husky voice started to stir in his chair. "You're awake?"

"Krissy? He's awake Sir?" a lean boy scrambled into the room, staring wide eyed at husky voice.

Husky voice nodded and pointed at me. My name is Krissy?

"KRISSY!" lean boy launched at me like a cannonball, wrapping his long arms around my neck. He was surprisingly heavy for a guy his size.

"Oh I'm so glad you're awake! We thought we lost you!"

"How you feeling son?" husky voice stood up and walked to my side.

How am I feeling? Quite thirsty as a matter of fact. I opened my mouth to reply "thirsty" but it came out rusty and more like thirkkest and silent "ty".

"Morning voice huh" lean boy chuckled, giving me a punch on my left arm. "Well it's not exactly morning though. It's 8:30 night time. You've been dead for about five days now."

Five days? Heck what? I lifted myself up and my arms felt really sore. "Five days?" I managed to croak out.

"Do you remember what happened Kris?" husky voice asked.

"What happened?" I cracked.

"Joshua, call the doctor" he motioned to lean boy and turned his head back to face me. "Yes do you remember? The night of the games?"

I tilted my head to the side. It was a weird habit of mine that I did when I wanted to recall something. I thought having my brain juices flowing to the left side would help me think better. Don't judge me.

I looked at husky voice with my tilted head. He looked familiar and I knew I've seen him somewhere before but I just can't put a name to his face. His bald shiny head and his creepy grey eyes that stared straight into your soul. Oh yes I've definitely seen this guy before, but where?

Please tell me you remember.

A bespectacled man in a white long coat walked into the room with a clipboard in his hand. "Kris..." he said, flipping the pages on his clipboard. "Let me do a checkup on you. Look to the right for me." He sat down on a chair and pointed a lazer like thing into my eyes. Talk about pain in the ass!

I moved my eyes to the right.

"Good, now to the left. Yes, now up. Good." He turned off his light thing and placed it back into his coat pocket. I could still picture light circles when I moved my eyes around.

"All signals are good Kris. Your body seems healthy."

A miracle this boy.

"Miracle?" I muttered.

"Hm?" the doctor looked up to me. "What did you say?"

I shook my head.

"Alright now how are you feeling? Any joint pains? Back pains?"

"Yeah bro that thing hit you pretty bad" lean boy crossed his arms and looked at me.

Lean boy looked familiar too yet I just can't remember him and it was starting to annoy me. It's like trying to remember something you just thought of but forgot in a split second. Frustrating.

"Sorry, whh who are you?" I tilted my head at lean boy. He immediately furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and uncrossed his arms.

"You're asking me who am I?" lean boy pointed at himself in shock. "You've got to be kidding me bro!"

"I mean I heard your name is Joshua, but am I supposed to know you?" I asked with raised eyebrows. "And you?" I turned to address husky voice.

Both of them turned to look at each other and then back at me and then, back to the doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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