A Kiss on her cheek

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Zane's P.O.V.
Out of my curiosity I tried my best to see what was in that diary but I knew that I has to find the key to when Kawaii~Chan and I went to bed, I stayed on my sleeping bag for an hour to be sure that KC was asleep. So after an hour of thinking I thought that Kawaii~Chan would just leave her diary back at the box so that was the first place I checked and it wasnt there, there was so many places to where that diary could be but where? The second place where I was expecting it was under the bed and once again it wasnt there. So I gave our dorm room a good stare and there It was at Kawaii chans hands how did I not see that, unfortunately the bed was on the east side of the room right next to the wall and Kawaii chan was right beside to the wall faceing on the west, her hands which had her diary on it was behind her head and I cant just move the bed because that will obviously wake her up. So after a few minuets of thinking on what to do I just gave up I just thought of going up to her and grabbing the diary just like that but ofcourse I have to do it as silent as possible. So I just quietly went on the bed crawling slowly and silently as I got near Kawaii~Chan I kneeled and there she was Kawaii~Chan's face just inches away from mine, I always thought that she looked cute when she sleeps but enough about that back to the diary. I then slowly grabbed the diary enough to make her not even notice a thing I then silently grabbed the diary and slowly went back on the floor.

The diary was fortunately opened guessing that Kawaii~Chan forgot to lock it. I then flipped the pages to find the page where I was. I finally made it to the page... Dear Diary, Today Kawaii~Chan is sooo so annoyed since she cant focus with her job whenever she is with Zane~Senpai, She would always see Zane~Kun's cute smile he gave to the customers I just dont know what to do with myself any more it doesnt seem like Zane~Kun likes me back so i-its hopeless theres no point on having a crush on him. After reading the page I noticed two things one, That she used the word Senpai right after my name and two, How sad it was when it seemed like she gave up just because it seemed like I didnt like her... Was it possible that she is being a hundred percent genuine with her feelings or she was just playing with mine, I wasnt sure about anything at that point but I knew there would be an answer at the end... There has to be one. The last thing I wanted to happen was make her happy... Make Kawaii~Chan happy

So after seeing the page I placed her diary on where it was on the first place not wanting to see any other things she wrote on her diary since I wanted to give her some privaxy even though I kinda invaded it since I read her diary. So after making about three conclutions I went back to sleep thinking of the diary.

*Time skip to... Um... Oh yah! The next day*

After my shift the next day I was planning to go to Aphmau's so I just left without Kawaii~Chan seeing.

After finally getting to Aphmau's house I knocked on the door and was answered by a "Come in! Its open" it seemed like it was Katelyn but I remembered Katelyn was on a date with Travis so it had to be only one person, Aphmau. When I came in I was greeted with a " Come in my room! " by Aphmau. So I came in her room and the lights were closed, Then I heard a command from Aphmau " Sit on my bed " Then I tried my best to navigate my way to her bed succesfuly. As I sat on the bed the lights suddenly opened just to reveal Aphmau's "I know what you did" face. She then started speaking while looking out the window " I know what you did!... " I quickly responded with a " What? " I was confused as a lost puppy in the woods, then Aphmau looked back at me with the same "I know what you did" face, then she started to speak again " You.... You! You read Kawaii~Chan's Diary " " Wh-what? Wh-who told you " she the looked back at the window while saying " Kawaii~Chan told me " I knew she would punish me with Celestia attacking me which would leave a scar on my face for a week so I quickly ran away, back to the restaurant then the last words I heard from Aphmau were " HEY COME BACK HERE YOU IDIOT! "

So then I made It back to the restaurant, back to the dorm. I opened the door just to see Kawaii~Chan's "Mad and upset face" ( Seriously what is up with the faces ). Kawaii~Chan then asked my " Where did you go!? " She was always used to me asking permission to her when ever I left the restaurant, So she was like a boss to me " I u-um.... I w-went to Aphmau's house " Her face then turned to a more upset looking face " W- without me?! " I quickly explained that she was still on her shift but she was just, just so upset for some weird reason " Y-you could have just waited for me! " She then marched to the bed sitting down while her face was covered. I then walked to her so I could sit beside her.                    " K-Kawaii~Chan " she then looked at me with still an upset look then I said the words " I-Im sorry " then I gave her a kiss on the cheek making her face look expressionless but with a very red blush it also gave me a blush on my face then I ended the akwardness with a question " Wanna watch My little horsie with me? ☺️ " she then nodded with a smile then ended the day with a happy ending.


Hey guys just wanted to tell you that this was kinda based of something that happend earlier at school ( Only the kissing on the cheek part ) but yah thats all I wanted to say. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Baiiii 😜

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