My Forever...

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      A/N- Emma and Regina are together for a while now. Someone, (not Regina), makes a remark about commitment and Emma gets spooked and breaks up with her...

"Regina?" Emma called from the front door. She was getting ready to go hang out with her mom and Ruby, they had made it a weekly habit since Regina and Emma started dating the year before. Snow and Ruby always complained that all she ever seemed to have time for was Regina and they wanted their own designated day each week that Regina couldn't encroach upon.

"Yes, dear?" Regina asked, walking down the stairs.

"I'm going now."

"Have fun, darling. Will you be coming here after?" Regina asked, taking the final steps to close the distance between them. She wrapped her arms around Emma's shoulders and kissed her sweetly.

"Uh no, I'll probably stay at mom's." Regina pushed her bottom lip into a full pout. They weren't living together, but Emma spent more nights there than she did away. Half her clothes were here, most of her toiletries and shoes had made it to the Mifflin mansion, and almost every morning she woke up to the beautiful mayor's face (or various body parts she fell asleep using as a pillow.)

"But why? We could have so much more fun here than you will have there," she breathed seductively. "I could wear something lacy and silky and you could take it off of me." She had her lips on Emma's neck before she knew it and the blonde was going weak in the knees and moaning deeply.

"Re. Gin. A." She tried to halt the brunettes ministrations, but Regina was going at her skin like it was dipped in chocolate. "Mmm, babe, you do this every week, and every week I still go. I made a promise. I always keep my promises."

"I know. I know." Regina let go of Emma, who took the chance to turn and leave. Before she made it two steps away her jacket was pulling her back. Well, less her jacket and more Regina grasping on it. "Fine, have fun. But… will you promise me you'll come home tonight? Please, dear? If you can manage to steal away before midnight…the surprise will be so much better." Emma nodded.

"I promise to come home tonight. But, I can't promise it will be before midnight… I'll see what I can do. I love you. Be good."

"I'm always good," Regina offered in one last teasing tone. "Love you too!"

Emma walked into the bar and immediately found her two best friends (it was still easier for her to think of Snow as her friend, not her mother).

"Hey guys," she greeted, sliding her jacket down her arms. "I'm sleeping at Regina's tonight, so no movie night for me."

"Why? Have a curfew now?"

"Whatever. Tomorrow is our one year anniversary, so bite me."

"Ooh, do you guys have anything special planned?" Snow asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know what. I tried to ask Regina what she wanted me to do and she said nothing, just told me a time to be ready by and said she wanted to take care of the rest."

"What do you think she's doing?" Ruby squealed.

"I don't know."

"It sounds special!" Snow contributed. "Oh, do you think she's going to propose? I saw her at the jewelry store!"

"What? No! We've only been together a year… and we don't even live together," Emma denied.

"Yeah, you do," Ruby stated incredulously. Emma looked to Snow for reassurance.

"Sorry, Emma, you sort of do? Haven't you noticed you literally only spend Friday nights at the apartment? You guys have been that way for almost 5 months!"

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