Chapter 1 - The disappearance

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Lauren walked down the street while the rain was pouring down. She was wet through her clothes and was regretting wearing a denim jacket. Her shoes were filled with water and she was rushing to get home. She had forgotten to bring an umbrella and her long black hair was wet and tousled. Her glasses was filled with raindrops which blurred her sight. The streets were empty except a few cars passing by.

 It was difficult to spot the girl by the store, but Lauren could have recognized her anywhere. She was crying, she was always crying. Her blonde hair was wet and her mascara was running. Lauren walked up to her. "Susan, what's wrong?" Lauren tried to show some empathy, but was uncomfortable being around someone that emotional. "Are you hurt? Did something happen to you?"

"No, no," Susan sobbed. "It is my mother. They took her." "Who took her?" Lauren was confused, why would someone take her mother and how would Susan know. Susan's aunt raised her due to her mother's drug abuse. She had not seen or spoke to her mother in years. All Lauren knew about Susan's mom was that she was in a mental hospital out of town. Susan's aunt told her that her mom's drug abuse got to her head, and her mom had started living in her own imaginary world.

Lauren tried to make Susan calm down. "Come with me Susan, let's get inside. You'll catch a cold if you stay out here in the rain." She continued sobbing but followed Lauren home. Lauren's house was only one block away and Lauren's mom greeted them loudly when they arrived. "Oh my god, you are so wet, let me get you two a towel."

After drying up, they went upstairs to Lauren's room. "Now Susan, tell me what is going on," Lauren begged her. Susan was still crying so it had to be something serious. Lauren knew Susan well enough to see that she was struggling. Her eyes flickered all over the room. She looked everywhere except towards Lauren. "Susan!" Lauren was impatient. It was obvious that Susan was hurting. Her blue eyes were wide open and tears run down her cheeks.

"I don't know where to start," she cried. "I went right home after school. Once I entered the hall I called for my aunt, but she did not answer, so I figured she had taken a nap. I went to her bedroom to wake her up, only to discover that she wasn't home. I assumed that she had went grocery shopping so I just sat down waiting for her. Hours went by, but she didn't come home..." Susan was silent while Lauren waited for her to finish her story.

"...So I started looking around the house and I looked for a long time. Suddenly I find this note that my aunt had left me. Here." Susan handed the note to Lauren. Lauren started reading:

 Dear Susan

I am sorry I am leaving you this way. I had no choice. Your mother, Mary, have disappeared and I need to find her. Someone have kidnapped her. I don't know how long I will be gone, but you will find money in the drawer under my bed. This will be enough for food the next two weeks. Be careful and DO NOT attract any attention. No one can now that you are home alone. But this is important, You need to stay in our house from sunset to sunrise, do not sleep over some other place. Lauren can spend as many nights as she wants, as long as you stay inside! I don't have much time to explain, but it is important that you listen to me. Those who took your mother also wants you, only inside our house you will be safe. Do not look after me. Next to the money, you will a charm and a book. The book will explain a many things. While outdoors you will need to wear the charm. This will protect you, but only from sunrise to sunset.

Love from aunt Jenny

"What?" Lauren was confused, what  was going on. Susan and Lauren shared a look. Lauren quickly glanced a look at the clock. The clock was 9 AM, the sun was about to go down. "Hurry Susan, we need to get to your house now." Lauren and Susan ran down the stairs. "Mom, I am spending the night at Susan's!" Lauren's mom barely had time to say yes before they slammed the door as they left.  

It was still raining outside as they ran off to Susan's house. It was a short 10 minute walk away and they were home before the sunset. They walked into the hall and locked the door behind them. "I am scared," Susan whispered. Lauren didn't know what to do, she was just as scared, but she would never admit it. "It's going to be okay," Lauren said as she hugged Susan. "Now let's go find this book."

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