Eyes On You

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Songs: Eyes On You and Tic Tic Tok (Mad)

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Songs: Eyes On You and Tic Tic Tok (Mad)

Pairings: (College AU!) Jaebum X Reader

Genre: Semi-smut

Word Count: 1,475 words

A/N: I, admin Ramen, in charge of all Jaebum related requests, had a hell time writing this. I am sorry to say but if the make-out scene does not satisfy you all, I AM EXTREMELY SORRY! Despite Jaebum being my bias, I can never imagine him like this so...yeah well, I think I'm going to have my own personal train to hell...anyways please enjoy this!

It was your first day of college and like any other rational person you were nervous, yet quite a bit excited. Despite your knotted stomach and pounding heart, there was a skip in your step and a huge grin on your face. The air around you screamed energy as you made your way over to your best-friend blindly, only to bump into someone on the way. You stumbled back, looking up to see who you had bumped into, an apology ready on your lips.

As your eyes met a pair of uninterested brown ones, a hand clamped around your shoulder, shaking you out of your little trance. You looked to your right to find Mark, your best friend, grinning at you and the boy in front of you.

"Y/N! Miss me?" He chuckled teasingly, directing your attention to the boy in front of you before you could say anything to him, "This is Jaebum, my cousin," Mark introduced the boy in front of you, "Jaebum, this is my best-friend Y/N who happens to share almost all lectures with you."

Mark sent a discreet wink towards his cousin which you were oblivious towards.

A soft smile decorated your lips as you looked around you, studying the new world you had entered. Little did you know that a pair of brown eyes were busy watching you, completely captivated.

Everything about you seemed like an artwork to Jaebum, an artwork he could only stare at and take in at leisure.

"Let's get to our lecture before we are late!" you turned to the boys in front of you with a large grin, only to find Jaebum staring at you with intense eyes. You froze, feeling a little exposed under his gaze that swept over you, absorbing each and every detail about you. It was hard to rip your eyes away from his but you did, walking ahead as you hurried towards your class, him closely following behind. You closed your eyes, your heart beating faster due to a different reason now.

Jaebum wasn't an easy person. Most of the time, he was the one making the girl chase him around, closed off towards others to such an extent that he almost seemed rude. However, the moment he had laid eyes upon you, he had this huge urge to win you over, something so unlike him. From the moment his eyes landed on you throughout the boring drag of the classes, only you seemed to dominate his mind and his thoughts. You were right next to him too, so close yet so far.

"Hi there," a girl practically wearing nothing sat next to Jaebum, giving him flirty looks and winks. You sneaked a glance at them, a pang going through your heart as you noticed how pretty she actually was. To your surprise, Jaebum didn't even spare her a glance, his eyes glued to yours, softly smiling towards you. Your cheeks dusted red as you quickly faced ahead, looking down so your hair covered that red blush on your cheeks. You didn't know why but you couldn't keep your eyes away from him, no matter how hard you tried. Soon you were whispering away, sneaking little smiles at him, laughing at the stupid comments he made about the professors.

Slowly, he became an important presence in your everyday life, despite thattension that surrounded the two of you. Whenever he looked towards you, it felt like he was staring deep into your soul. His eyes were sharp and held you there, almost as if daggers were digging into you.

There was something in his gaze that instantly made you feel like the only girl worth looking at. He always seemed to slight every girl around, no matter how gorgeous they were in comparison with you, never giving anyone except you another look. It seemed like he had his eyes only on you.

Jaebum felt like he was in great pain. Everyday, you were so close to him, yet he could never touch you. He craved to hold you close, to know how it felt to have you so near to him but everytime... something stopped him. The way you looked at him was always so full of innocence that he never wanted you to look away. Whenever he was with you, his mind would go blank and only the present moment kept to filling his senses. The mere thought of you talking to another man used to drive him so crazy that he would always appear besides you whever you talked to a male class fellow, glaring at them until they got so scared, they ran away.

You never knew what to classify these actions of his as, but all you knew was you never wanted him to stop. His presence besides you made you want to turn around and just outright pull him close and kiss him but the shy side of you kept you from doing so. This tension between the two of you seemed to grow everyday, putting strain in your friendship.

He followed you around like a shadow when you got mad at him, telling you all the reasons why you should trust him; he mostly used one being that he was 'the only man on campus while others were little, hormonal boys who still had to grow up'.

"Really Jaebum? That is not a valid argument," you rolled your eyes at him, not knowing why you were so frustrated with him. He grumbled, following you to your apartment.

"Well it is true, Y/N," Jaebum argued back, his hands fisting up as he saw some random man eye you across the street.

He couldn't really blame himself though. You looked breathtaking in the yellow sundress you were wearing, so much so that Jaebum had wanted to force you to change, leading all the way to the argument right now.

"You can't control me!" you huffed angrily, throwing the door of the lobby open as you strode up towards the apartment, "You don't own me!"

"I'm just looking after you, that's all," Jaebum softly replied, his eyes burning into the back of your head as you opened the apartment door. The moment it was open wide enough, you were whisked inside, Jaebum hovering over you as he cornered you.

Your eyes widened, heart beginning to pound as his arms caged you, locking you in your place. All you could do was stare at him with your innocent eyes, the same eyes that made him dizzy. He studied you, his heartbeat picking up. It was unexpected and it was crazy, but finally, he could be so near to you... but for some reason, this didn't seem to be enough. He wanted to be nearer. He leaned in, his lips gently falling onto yours as he whispered the words you had been dreaming to hear for forever, "It was love at first sight."

Without giving you a chance to reply, not even enough time to think, his lips crashed upon yours again, all those days of longing, his desire... he poured everything in the kiss. His chapped lips moved aggressively against yours and you pushed against him with the same hunger. He pushed you harder against the wall as he licked your lower lip; your lips parted eagerly and without a moment to lose, his tongue dived into your mouth, exploring each and every corner. Your arms encircled his neck as you pulled him closer, your heart racing in your chest.

Jaebum's hands trailed down your sides, grabbing your thighs as he lifted you up while you wrapped your legs around his waist, grasping tightly. He slowly squeezed your ass, dragging out a moan from you. Chuckling against your lips and pulling back, he studied your face once more.

"I had my eyes on you only from the first day we met," Jaebum whispered, his head trailing down to your neck, leaving hot, opens mouth kisses that left tingles in their wake.

You clutched his shirt tightly, fighting back another embarrassing moan.

Leisurely, he made his way back to your mouth, taking his time to suck on the place where neck and shoulder met. He was slowly torturing you and you couldn't take it anymore. He finally had you trapped under the same spell you had put on him.

You pulled him even closer, your hands fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. Grunting, Jaebum lowered you to the couch, pulling his shirt off in a swift motion before he straddled you.

Jaebum tugged at the hem of the dress, pulling it off you. You gulped, feeling highly exposed as his heated gaze wandered over you.

"I want to stop this time right now," Jaebum's hot breath tickled your ears as your breathing quickened again. Without a single comment, you pulled him down, letting him ravish you again.

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