Chapter One

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Genice's POV

"Come on Rodriguez! I thought you were tough huh?!" I hear Sergeant Johnson yell while Im fighting Mendez. We're not like foreal fighting. We're just training. This is my last month as a trainee. Im ready and I need to show it.

I punch Mendez in his jaw and he falls to the floor. I barely even touched him! Oh wait what's that red stuff? Ohhh. Its blood.


"Damn Rodriguez... Your hands really are made out of steel." I look down on Mendez and stretch out my hand to help him up. He takes it and leaves to clean off the blood.

"Haha that's my favorite female trainee! Rodriguez!" I turn to look at Sergeant Johnson and give him the wtf face.

"Sergeant Im the ONLY female trainee." I say with a smirk.

"Way to go killing the moment Ice. Drop and give me 50!" He smirks back. Okay fine!

I drop and start doing push ups. Sergeant Johnson comes and puts his foot on my back. Ugh.

"Ice, that new trainee guy is showing up tomorrow at 4 am. He has the cabin next to yours. The one with the 4 rooms. Turns out he's bringing 2 buddies with him. Not cause they need some straightening up to do but because they thought it would be 'fun'. Worry about the main guy. He's stubborn. You'll know who he is when you see him... Or talk to him." I stop at 50 and look at Sergeant Johnson. I stand up and do a mini jog in place.

"Okay... How old are they?" I don't even know how they look or their names because he wants me to know them when I officially meet them.

"The main guy is 19, the other two are 21 and 16. They're close to your age so try and get along." he says and then walks off.

Okay this is gunna be easy. I mean come on how stubborn can they be?

I walk to my cabin and take a shower. I go to sleep at 7 pm because I needa be up by 4 am. My dreams are filled up with my love. Joel Pimentel.

Pshh I wish.

Next Morning at 3 am.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I jump off the bed and dress into my work out clothes. Im training these guys all day so I better wear so comfortable clothes at least.

I put on a semi tight white t shirt and my camaflouge joggers with my khaki combat boots. I put my hair in a braid and I apply some bath and body works lotion and my chanel perfume. And deodorant. I might be training to be a Marine but come on. Im a girl. Gotta smell nice and be clean at all times.

I walk out and check the time on my apple smart watch. 3:54 am. Better hurry. I start jogging to the office. Once I get there its 3:59 am. Phew just in time. Johnson won't be here to greet the trainees. Its my resposiblity to show them around and to explain the rules and then get to training. All they gotta do is show up.

--4:46 am--

I've been here for 46 minutes and they haven't showed up. I look at their papers over and over to check and see if they were going to show up again. And yup. It clearly states the date and time. I guess I have to wait. They're gunna get it.

--8:14 am--

Ive been here for hours and they're still not here! What the hell is their problem. Sergeant Johnson said to keep waiting until they show up. These guys are dead.

--12:35 in the afternoon--

Its time for my lunch. Im about to head out to go to the cafeteria when I see a limo park right infront of the office. What in the world?

I step out of the office and stand by the door. I don't stop looking at the limo. Out of no where a handsome guy steps out along with 3 guys behind him. I don't see their faces.

The first guy that stepped out of the limo walks my way while the other 3 go to the trunk to get their stuff.

They're the stupid guys I've been waiting on since 4 am! Oh they're going to hear me.

The first guy comes and I recognize him once he's infront of me.

Ricky Martin.

"Um are you by any chance Genice Rodriguez?" He looks at me and then looks back at the 3 guys.

"Yes I am." I say while still in total shock.

"Great! Im Ric-"

"Ricky Martin. Yeah I know haha." I interrupt him and stick my hand out for him to shake.

"Well nice to meet you." He says with a big smile on his face. We shake hands.

"Hey Ricky! We need someone to help us with all our stuff!" I look back at who said that and my eyes meet with his big chocolate brown ones.

Joel Pimentel.


"Hey soldier women, mind helping me carry my bags." He points at his luggage and I'm just standing there.

But then I realize what he's asking.
Oh hell no booboo.

"No. Carry them yourself Pimentel. No one here is going to help you at anything. This is all you."

He looks at me like if I had slapped him or something.

"Excuse me? Did you just say 'no' to me?" He starts to step closer to me. What does he think he's doing?

"Yes as a matter of fact I did. What are you going to do about it?" I challenge him.

"Okay okay. Calm down. Well guys I need to go. I'll see you guys in 3 months. I leave you in the hands of your trainer Rodriguez. Bye take care!" Says Ricky and then he steps back into the limo and leaves.

"Who's Rodriguez soldier women?" Asks Joel.

"Im Rodriguez. What a pleasure to meet you." I tell him trying to be polite. I was lowkey freaking out! But after the incident that just happened... Not so much anymore.

"Wait what!? You're our trainer?! As in you? A girl?!" Wow Pimentel. You're seeming as if you're a feminist.

"Yes I am. So if you're not happy about it to bad." I look away from him and see Richard and Erick. I didn't even notice it was them!

"Hey Im Genice Rodriguez. Also known as 'Ice' and/or 'Rodriguez' nice to meet you guys." I say while I shake their hands.

"Nice to meet you mami" says Erick with a wink. Um no.

"Im not your mom. Call me Rodriguez or Ice" I tell him with a serious tone.

"Okay well Ice. Show us our tent or whatever." I look at Richard and tell him we sleep in cabins. He looked hella relieved.

Joel just seemed to be mad or something. Well he has to deal with it.

I walk them over to their cabin and tell them to meet me outside of it in 10 minutes for training. They said okay but Joel just rolled his eyes.

What the fuck is his problem. Ugh whatever.

I go into my cabin and wait.

Why do I have a feeling its going to be a long day?


Yup yup. New story.

Do N O T steal .

Feedback is appreciated (: lemme know if you guys are feeling this story.

- Kealyy 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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