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Hi there!

I'm guessing you want to join our club? Please read the rules here and refer to the HOW TO JOIN chapter to submit an application!


1. Be respectful towards other members and their biases/oppas.

2. Be semi-active. (We won't kick people out but do tell us if you're going to be on a hiatus as our reading lists will only contain books of active WRITERS that CHECK-IN.)

3. Check out and leave feedback on the books of our WRITER members in the CARMEXO Reading List.

You can join this book club as a READER or a WRITER. Please read the specific rules below before deciding on which to apply as.


1. Only 1 story is allowed in our "CARMEXO" Reading List at any one time. (To change your book on the list, please refer to UPDATING BOOKS.)

2. Read and leave comments on other members' stories in the "CARMEXO" Reading List. (We don't set reading assignments so you are free to pick and choose at your own will.)

3. Understand that the aim of this club is to provide support and feedback to writers of K-pop fan-fiction.

4. Submit only stories not marked with mature content - PG 15. (Other submissions will be denied. Please refer to Wattpad's guidelines as what should be marked as mature.) NOTE: Submitted stories do not have to be completed.

5. Writers must 'check-in' on books they have read and/or given feedback on. Please refer the the CHECK IN BOOK on how to check in. (Checking in occasionally at the CHECK IN page allows us to keep track of your club activities.)


1. Read and give feedback on as many stories in the "CARMEXO" Reading List as you can. (We don't set reading assignments so you are free to pick and choose at your own will.)

Who should join as a READER?

- Those who are not active or consider themselves to be silent readers.

- Those who do not like to leave comments.

- Those who simply want to join our LINE group chat.

- Those who do not want to check-in.

- Those who want to check the club out before joining as a WRITER.

- Those looking to give feedback on writing.

[UPDATED 2016/09/06.]

[*Anything that should be marked as mature will not be added. If your story is not marked as there are only minor scenes that don't describe content that can be considered as mature according to Wattpad's guidelines, we will accept it. You will be told before hand if your story is at risk and we reserve the rights to remove stories off our list without notice if we find mature content or if Wattpad guidelines apply.*]

Please refer to Wattpad's Content Guidelines to determine what is supposed to be MATURE or for EVERYONE.

If any MATURE CONTENT makes its way onto our READING LIST, please report it to us my PM.

RULES + APPLYINGWhere stories live. Discover now