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"Here ,Take her." He said to the stranger. "How much do you want for her?" The stranger asked. "6 000 000" He said. "It's a deal. By when do you want me to pay you." The stranger asked. "Month end. So that her mother won't know what happened to her." He said. "I'll pay you by then." The stranger said as he took my small 5 year old hand in his.

We started walking away from him. "Daddy please help me. Don't make him take me away please!" I cried as he turned around and walked away. "Please let me go! I just wanna to go to my home!" I cried as we kept walking to the strangers place. "Shut up bitch. And let's f**k**g go I want to get home before everyone wakes up!" The stranger said. Pulling hard on my hand. We walked until we got to were he lives...

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