Time Will Tell - Epilogue and author's note

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One Month Later:

Libby accepted Colin’s help in dismounting from atop Hercules after barely losing to Fortuna. “I can’t believe how much faster she’s gotten.” 

They’d been working most of the morning and this was their last run before moving on to the stables.

Giselle, having led Fortuna in a walk, stopped to pat the horse’s long neck. “She outdid herself.”

The mare whinnied and shook her head in the air, as if in agreement.

As Giselle headed in Gus’s direction, Colin handed Hercules off to a handler, then wrapped an arm around Libby’s shoulders.

“Are you happy?” He asked the same question at least once a day.

She sighed, looked around, and answered truthfully. “Very.” Her days were full of challenge. Not only with her role as trainer, but with mothering three wonderful children. Sam, Melanie, and baby Rebecca desperately needed her love. How easily they returned it, which made up for ninety percent of her loss.

The other ten percent came from her friendship with Giselle, who’d demonstrated an ability to ride and train Colin’s horses and was now living and working on the farm. They had become fast friends and now worked side by side. Her company eased the heartache of missing Bev.

Libby thought of her friend in the future constantly and continued the daily practice of sharing her life by writing in her journal. She missed her dad too. It would have been nice to say good-bye properly. She’d been in too big a rush to be reunited with Colin, and would always feel a small twinge of regret when she thought of her dad. She hoped that in sharing her life, her father might come to understand her better and be happy for her in what she’d found.

A new family and others who loved her.

She leaned her head against Colin’s wide chest and smiled warmly. “Yes. I have exactly what I need to be happy.” She offered one last glance in the direction of the twin oaks, the farm’s new namesake and wondered how they knew. They truly were magical.

~~~THE END~~~

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The following bonus reads are excerpts from Games, the second story in the Timeless Series and Temptation, the third story in the Timeless Series.

To be apprised on new releases in the Timeless Series, email her at sandyloyd@twc.com to be put on her mailing list, like her on Facebook www.facebook.com/sloydwrites or follow her on twitter at www.twitter.com/sloydwrites. For more information about Sandy visit her website at www.sandyloyd.com.

Author’s note:

While I did take quite a few liberties in the telling of this story there are several facts I wanted to make note of in doing my research for this book.

First of all, my characters did not exist in the 1870s, but some of the men mentioned did. Men such as Merriwether Lewis Clark, Jr., who was a visionary and a main promoter of the new track.  He spent years researching and promoting his idea.  Three hundred and twenty men invested one hundred dollars each and signed the articles of Incorporation for the Louisville Jockey Club and Riding Park Association on June 22, 1784. That was enough to start the ball rolling for the new grandstand and track.  There are several men who dreamed and their dream is the legacy of the Kentucky Derby.   The first Kentucky Derby was run on May 17, 1875. From the very beginning it has been hyped as a big party and has only gotten bigger over time. 

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