chapter 5

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Bentley's POV

"Everyone!! Fly over the forest!! Let me know at once if you see smoke! That's where my Rein is."

I took off in the air and my soldiers followed in formation. I gave the signal for them to break the formation and spread out in groups of 3. I looked intently into down at the forest looking for the smallest sign of smoke or a house.

A few hours of flying one of my soldiers flew to me. "King Bentley! We spotted smoke about 2 miles east of here. What are your order?"

"Show me!". I gave the signal for everyone to get back into one formation. "You men!". I called out to the group who spotted the smoke. "Lead us." I gestured for them to fly in front of me.

They bowed. "Thank you, King Bentley. It will be an honor."

No one except me leads soldiers when we're in full formation, but given the circumstances, I'm willing to let those three lead. They stayed in their formation of three while the rest of us followed.

Soon enough we saw the smoke coming out of the forest. On my signal, we surround a 1 mile radius around that area." I said pointing to the smoke. "The first 20 soldiers, plus you three, will come with me and attack. What ever you do, DO NOT hurt Princess Rein, or it will be your life." I warmed.

they all nodded and we broke formation again. The first twenty men stayed in formation with me and the three in front of us flew to the back. I gave the signal for them to surround the area. When I saw that they were all on the ground, I gave the signal for us to attack. We flew down at full speed and landed on the ground. Sure enough, there was the house Bridget described to me. And over to my right, was my Rein tied to a tree. I ran over to her and untied her. She jumped up and hugged me.

"Daddy!!! I'm so sorry for running off."

"Rein, where's Justin?"


I pulled her off me and instructed some of my men to watch Rein. Me and the other men stormed into the house and found Justin putting a book back on the bookshelf. I ran at full speed of him and held him by the neck against the wall. He was grinning evil-y at me.

"King Bentley. I was wondering when you were going to show up."

"Shut up!! I'm gonna kill you again, and I'm gonna make sure of it that you stay dead!!"

"Hahaha. You till haven't figured it out." he stared intently at me. "You can't kill a demon.". And then he vanished in a puff of smoke.

I punched the wall and turned back to my men. "Tell everyone to go back and secure the castle. Let no one in or out without my permission."

I walked out and grabbed Rein by her arm. "Daddy, I really am sorry." she cried, begging for my forgiveness.

"We'll talk about this when we get back.". I replied, angrily. I know I should be jumping for joy because I found my daughter, but I can't. She ran away and caused this chaos in the kingdom. She could've caused mine and Storm's life! Then where would we be? And Justin's a demon! Hes a bloody demon!

I took off holding Rein tightly so she wouldn't fall. She kept looking at me with sorry eyes. I have to admit, my answer decreased. It, but I wasn't only angry at her. I was angry because Justin got away again.

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