Chapter 5: To Be Honest. **EDITED**

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Kat's POV:

"Date my daughter you say?" I turn towards Brent.

"Y..y.. yes ma'am, I would" He hesitated.

"Well if you can protect her, then yes, you may date my daughter!" She smiles and hugs him and me.

"So I guess it is official?" Brent grabs my hand and we intertwine fingers and smile.

"What's official?" I turn to see my little sisters, Summer and Briely standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"O my god, Brent? Is that seriously you?" Summer said and runs over to us, and hugs me and smiles at Brent.

"Yea, it really is me, ha-ha nice to see you again Summer, and you too Briely." I had a confused look on my face, how did he remember my sisters, and why were my sisters freaking out over it? Brent saw my face and laughed.

"My sister, Helena, is on the same soccer team as your sister Summer and one of my older sister, Amanda, tutors your little sister Briely." Brent giggles a little.

"So, do you want to go upstairs?" I nudge him a little.

"Um, I actually have got to go, my mom just pulled up onto the driveway, I am really sorry.'' He grabs his backpack by the front door, grabs my hand and we both walk outside.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?'' Brent seemed down, what did I do? Did I do something wrong? Was he mad at me? He turns to face me.

"Well not quite."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was wondering if you like to go on our first date tonight? I mean, we are dating now aren't we?'' Surprisingly, a huge smile came upon my face.

"Yea, we are dating, and I would love to go out with you on a date tonight."

"So, I'll pick you up at 8?"

"I'd like that" Brent hugs me, we hugged for a while, what broke our hug was a honk from a car, Brent's mom. Brent kisses my cheek and he walks away.

"Oh wait, since we are dating, I think I might need your number." He turns around, pulling out his phone and hands it to me. I look at his phone and he already has the contact name on their and everything, he is just missing the number.

"You put me in your contact as 'The Babe :* <3'?"

"Is that ok, I mean I can change it, if you want me to.."

"NO no! It's perfect, I like it." I smile and put my number in, and give him his phone back.

"Expect a text!."

"Haha, yea"

"I'll see you tonight, love!! Bye!" He smiles and turn around, heading down the driveway, and into his mother's car, and they drive away.

I walk inside and I practically get mobbed with questions:

"OO Kat likes him"

"Are you guys dating now?"

"Yes, Brent and I are dating and sorry I can't go swimming, I have to get ready for my date tonight" I turn my head to see what time it is, and damn, its freaking 6:45, crap.

I head to my room to start getting ready and I hear a knock at my door and it's my girl best friend Daylees.

"Hey, we need to get you ready!" She sat me down in my beauty section of my room and started doing my hair and makeup. 20 minutes later, I look at myself in the mirror and I loved the way I looked, first time I've looked pretty in a while. Daylees got me this amazing light blue dress. After about an hour of getting prepared, I was finally finished, and as a matter of fact, I heard a knock on my door.

"Brent is here love, oh my gosh Kat you look so gorgeous!." My mom came over to me and hugged me and we giggled.

"Ok, thanks mom! Tell him I will be right down." My door shuts and I hug Daylees.

"Thank you for everything you have done Amanda, it really means a lot"

"Hey, what are best friends for? Now go have fun on your date, I love you girlie."

"Love you too, by the way, when I come back from my date, you’re spending the night.!!''

"Can't wait!"

 I was so freaking nervous, what if I trip and fall? What if he doesn't like me in this dress? To be honest, this is my first, not in forever, but my first date period. Brent is actually my first boyfriend. I still have never had my first kiss. Tonight, my life is about to change


 I am so so so sorry this toke me FOREVER!! And so sorry it's a short filler chapter, hope you like it so far!!

So I found out that I have to have surgery on March 25th!!! NOOO!!!

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Love ya Babies

Bre xx

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