SleepOver!!!! Part 1

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Continuation of last chapter.
E- WHAT!!!!!
Aph-Aww I thought he asked you out Victoria
Aaron Has Been Added To The Group Chat.
Aph- Aaron what are you doing here?
Aaron- what I can't talk to my friends?
Aph and kawaii~chan- of course you can so what do u say Victoria I presume Aaron has already read about what we said
Aaron- yeah
Aph- so Victoria will you be there
Victoria- Victoria is Not Here This Is Her Mom
E- hey Victoria's Mom
Victoria- Hey Hold on Victoria is trying to take the phone back
Victoria- Sorry about her she is so nosy so yeah I will be going to the sleepover the theme should be unicorns
Aph- That's a good joke Victoria
Victoria- I wasn't joking now I am upset😭
E- Fine the theme can be unicorns
Victoria- Yay!!!!!
So see you soon guys bye
Victoria Has Left The Chat😉
Aaron- Victoria get off u said u were leaving why u still on
Aph- Aaron she got off already
Aaron- no she didn't Victoria answer now
Victoria- fine I will get off for real
Bye Guys
Victoria has left the chat.

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