chapter 4 break out of cage.

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Team rocket was coming back to check one me then I said ahhh you do care making a face  then the said why you little. I laufe then said as getting mad go charzard but it did not work then the laude taking my charzard all I have now in rock to help I broke the lock and I went to get my 5 pokemon that was taken away from me but how was I going to do that? I went back to the mashen throwing a rock to get those away from the machine I manage to get two back my pikachu
. 1 down and 4 to go I got a  rock to throwe actually 2 to throwe to sperate them as doing I got back 1 I was hoping to get my Lucia but I got Bach was a charzard  they were strong a nofe thowe I started to panike. But snape out of it and man up like my age😠.

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