Later that day 'that was a good tea' said zex 'pss zex' said pat 'what?' said zex 'someone called me on your phone and said is there zex' said pat
'Really' said zex 'yes' said pat 'hello' said zex 'hi my little boy' said grandma grandma 'hi I missed you soo much' said zex happyly
'Can you come in my house' said grandma 'Sure' said zex 'bye' said grandma 'Really you said we should go to her house' said pat
'Yea why' said zex 'we dont have a car' said pat 'hmm lets make a buggy' said zex 'how' said pat 'we will use your car parts to make a buggy'
said zex. 'sounds not bad' said pat two minutes later 'yes we made it lets go' said zex 'Hahahahah this looks worst car every haha' said person
'what his problem' said zex 'i know right' said pat 'watch out!!' said zex loudly 'ah help me plsss..'Two years later
TooT Toot toot 'what happened' said zex ' zex you were hit by a car' said grandma 'wheres pat' said zex 'he is getting surgery' said grandma
'What!' Said zex. 'He is fine' said grandma 'what happened to him' said zex 'hes left hand is broken and lungs are damaged' said grandma
Zex crys. 'he is ok pls grandma' said zex sadly....Three Days later
'Doc is zex okay' said grandma 'yes' said Doc 'and pat' said grandma 'not really but he will be okay' said Doc 'grandma' said zex
'oh good morning' said grandma Doc is pat 'okay said zex yes' said Doc 'Hey zex' said pat 'hi' said zex 'we should go to my farm' 'yes' said zex
'okay grandma we are going to the farm' said zex 'bye be safe' said grandma....