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Her pale, skinny legs dangled from the end of the bed, trying to touch the floor with her black painted tiptoes. Her hands ran through her dirty, red hair before pulling it up into a ponytail.
She watched the clock ticking, counting the minutes until he came back.

Her eyes widened and her pulse quickened when she heard muffled steps outside the bedroom door. The door swung open, reveling a boy with tired eyes and-- probably purposely--messed up hair. In his hands were a few packages visible. He walked over to the nightstand and placed the ciggarettes in the empty drawer. She studied him the whole time; blue eyes never leaved his tall figure. She watches as he walked over to a pile of dirty clothes and stripped down until he was only wearing his black boxers. His body was thin, colorful and very tempting.

"Do you always do this?" she asked in confusion, and somehow, lust.

"If you mean stripping down before taking a shower then," he licked his lips before speaking up again. "Yes, yes I do"

She smiled at her own fooliness. Her back fell flat against the twin-size mattress, knees propped up, arms crossed behind her blonde head. The boy's feet smatted against the carbet as he walked over to the bathroom. He leaved the door half open, giving her a slightly view into the heated shower.

Her eyes circulated around the messy room. Pillows, clothes and empty cigarette packages were covering most of the floor. Books laid open, green and yellow marker pens drawed all over the pages. She picked one up and read, the first marked line, out loud.

""Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.""

Her feet moved towards the sparkling bathroom. She tasted the grey steam, sipping out from the creaked open door, on the tip of her tounge. It melted out to clear water. With the book still opened flat in her hands, she stepped into the bathroom and sat down on the sink.

She was flipping through the pages, hearing his melodic humble in the background. The steam started to stick to her skin, into her clothes-- making them soaked through-- and into her hair. The book dropped to the floor as she started to undress herself. Clothing after clothing went down until she was completely nude, from head to toe.

Without any other hesitation, she grabbed the curtain in her hand, pulled it aside and stepped into the hot water.

Her sudden movement made him gulp in surprise. But seeing her, all bare and naked, made him want to touch her. His fingers wanted to rake up and down her body; up and down her sides.

His breath hitched in his throat as she stepped closer to him, barely touching him with her fingertips. She was breathless. Her stomach was fluttering, making shivers running down her back. Wet skin slided against wet skin; slowly turning them face to face.

Her lips pressed a soft kiss on his bare chest, nibbling on the corner of his collarbone and licking all the way up to his neck. She let her fingers trale over the inc on his body. A tattoo with the creature of a snake caught her eye and she let her fingers slide all the way down her arm within it.

"Sydney?" his words came out within the water, spitting it on her flushed cheek.

"My name's not Sydney." she answered thruthfully.

"Really?" he asked, still smirking. 

"But I like it." she said with a small smile playing on her lips while her tongue adjusted to the unfamiliar name. 


Sydney, Sydney. 

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