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The polaroid slides out of Dean's camera and he grabs it to take a look. He nods his head in approval, that's some quality shit right there.
Might as well take a few more.
Pure perfection, every single one. Well, Dean cocks his head to the side, not that one. What is that, a window? "Eh." He tosses it aside. The object of his focus walks out of view and Dean gives a little sigh, there's always tomorrow.  A chill sweeps over him as the wind continues to gust. "Son of a bitch that's cold." He puts the photographs inside his jacket and crosses his arms, better head inside before Sammy gets suspicious. With one last shiver he makes his way over to the door that leads to the slightly warmer staircase. Anything's better than this damn roof.
"Hey Sam." Dean nods at Sam as he walks in. "I'm just gonna-"
"Hey Dean... can we talk?" Sam's brows are furrowed together in mild concern.
"Uh, yeah.... sure." He takes a seat next to Sammy at the table. Sam closes his laptop and folds his hands.
"Cas and I have been talking and he's confided a few things to me." Dean shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Why would Cas confide in Sammy? What does Sammy have that I don't?
"Yeah." Dean jerks out of his thoughts. "Cas was uh, erm, confiding in you?"
"Yes and I have something to ask you before I continue." Sam's words come out slowly as he reads into Dean's every move, making him squirm under the scrutiny.
"God Sammy, spit it out."
"Do you," Sam leans in, "Do you love Cas?"
Dean's eyes grow wide at the question. Love? Shit that's a strong word. Dean barks out a laugh. "Me? Love Cas? Come on Sammy don't be ridiculous."
Sam shakes his head, "Dean, it's just a question."
"Just a question?" Dean's voice raises in pitch unwillingly. "Cas. Ha!" He stands up, shoving the chair behind him, knocking it down. "Son of a bitch." He mutters under his breath.
Sammy stands as well, confused by how dean's acting, "Calm down will you? It's not like I'm saying you're gay."
Dean turns abruptly at the word gay, causing him to trip on the overturned chair and fall, crashing to the floor. The pictures he kept tucked away in his inner cost pocket spill free and cascade all around him.
Dean immediately starts gathering them up, never mind the throbbing pain in his side. No, not now. Not like this. "What the hell?" He gives a small, furtive chuckle. "Where did the come from? I bet this is some sort of prank. Totally. A. Prank." Dean stands, clutching the pictures to his chest. "That Cas is certainly learning how...." he trails off. Sam is holding one of the pictures in his hands, studying it carefully. It features Castiel standing on a balcony, overlooking the city. His hair, windswept and his eyes clear, observing everything he sees.
"I can explain." Dean says hardly above a whisper but Sammy hears him regardless.
"Dean?" Sam looks up, not with disgust, nor anger, just... happiness. "It's ok. You don't have to keep this-" He flips the picture around. "A secret anymore."
"Wha.." Dean squints his eyes, "what are you taking about?"
"Hello Dean."
Dean immediately turns around at the sound of that oh so familiar voice, "Cas." He breathes the name out, for fear of his own voice.
Castiel walks towards him from the doorway, hands in pockets. "There's something I should tell you Dean." He stops in front him, gazing straight into Dean's eyes.
Dean swallows, "what might- what might that be... Cas?"
Castiel reaches up and grabs Dean's face in both of his hands, drawing him in. "I love you."
Dean grips his wrists and leans in all the way, bringing them into a kiss that has been held back for far too long. Sam has been forgotten, same with the pictures, his throbbing side and any problem going on in his life. All there was, all there is, is Castiel.

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