Requiem of a Huntsman

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Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did then I'd probably have a team based on X-Men characters.


Years Later

Yang's POV

I woke up to darkness. Looking around my dorm I notice that everyone else is still asleep. Grabbing my scroll off of the nightstand I check the time. It reads 12:21 a.m. Great, I can't sleep and it is nowhere near sunrise. With my team asleep it is not like I can watch some videos off the internet or pull a Blakey and read a book. Looks like I'm just stuck here forced to do nothing until sunrise. Hey at least it's Saturday so it's not like I have to go to any classes groggy. Though maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I was in Professor Port's class. His lectures always put me right to sleep. Well, some time has got to have passed right? Right. Let's check out the old scroll and see what's up. 12:22 a.m.... Shit. Welp, this ain't working might as well do something. Quietly I hop out of my bed and make my way to the closet that Blake and I share and quickly grab some clothes to go outside. Can't go walking around the school grounds at night semi-naked. I will already be breaking enough rules as is. Once dressed I tip toe my way out the dorm. Just as I am closing the door the hinges creak. Crap! Ruby shoots up from her bed. I freeze there with everything but my foot outside the door. Ruby rubs her face and mutters something about cookies and falls back down in her bed. Quickly and quietly I close the door. Once in the hall, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. At least I'm out of there. Now all I got to do is not get caught, though most of the teachers who patrol the halls are pretty cool and will only scold me at worst. Well, all but Professor Goodwitch. I shudder at the thought. Better be careful just in case it's her night as hall monitor.

As I move through the halls I realize just how creepy the school can get here at night. All the old fashioned architecture really doesn't help things. As I exit the building I feel the cool night air rush over me. Ahh, that feels nice. Looking up at the sky I notice the shattered side of the moon showing. Explains why it was dark inside. Well at least the darkness will help hide me but it will also make it easier for others to hide. I will probably stick out more given my usual attire. On second thought though I really should have worn a darker set of clothes. Bright yellow and orange really don't blend with shadows particularly well. Just as I am musing this over some movement caught my eye. Looking over in the direction I can faintly make out a figure. Who or what is that? Can't be a Grimm it's too small. Maybe it's another student who can't sleep. The figure begins to move again. Oh, what the heck I might as well follow it. Not like I got anything else better to do. Quickly I follow the figure move from shadow to shadow. Weird how it seems to know where it's going. Maybe it really is a student. Just then we make it to a building that I didn't know the school even had. It looks like a... tomb? Maybe that's why I haven't really seemed to notice it. But why would Beacon have a tomb? This is a school after all and tombs don't tend to be very appropriate for that kind of environment. This seems to be the place though because the figure has stopped moving. It stands in the shadows for a minute probably making sure it is not being followed. After that, if finally steps out of the shadows and into the light of the shattered moon giving me the chance to get a good look at them. The figure is a woman in a black and red outfit. There's a long thing attached to the side of her waist probably a weapon. Going up her body I see that she's got a mane of hair going down her back. Ha, it kinda looks like mine only it' Is... Is that her? No, it can't be. Why would she be here? The person then turns her head and I get a glimpse of her face or should I say her mask. Oh Oum it is her. Before I could do anything she sprints towards the building and enters. I need to get in there. I can't lose her.

Rushing across the courtyard I enter the building. There is one windowless hallway that leads from the door. There are some ceiling lights every few feet. A dim light is coming in from the very end that looks to lead into a larger room. Moving down the hall I notice the lack of decorations of any sorts. The floor is just as dull as the rest of the hallway being a simple tile pattern. Once I'm at the end of the hall I see the room that it leads into and it is massive! Scattered throughout the room are little display cases that show off all sorts of things like broken weapons. The back wall was filled with photos of different people. Underneath each photo was a little plaque with what I guess are names of the people in the photos. I realized why this place kinda looked like a tomb. This is where they pay tribute to fallen hunters and huntresses. Looking along the wall I see my mother standing over in a corner. She must be here for Summer. Just as I am reaching her I hit my foot on one of the podiums.

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