Chapter 1 Left Behind

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     Everything blurry as people all in the same black and blue spandex suit run into a green dome with rows and rows of clear tubes inside of it all getting shot up into the air going through a hole in the roof to space into a safe spaceship away from the earth. The world is falling apart, I stand frozen and stunned only 16 standing wondering if will ever live to be at least 80. I stare over at my family running towards the dome dodging everything they possibly can while I stare up into the sun as building after building fall down into to earth making giant earth quakes, big cracks in the ground while debris shoot all over the sky almost like fireworks.

     I smell gas metal and concrete mix in the air while clouds of dust form making it almost impossible to see. I come back to my senses and start running to the tubes not that far from entering the green domes, I squint my eyes trying to look through the dust, not that many rows are left of glass tubes waiting for some people to be safe. I know my family will be safe as they grab some clear tubes and shoot into the air my mom looking around to see if she has her whole family but giving up and pressing her back against the tube as they disappear in the smoke. I run over small pieces of hard concrete and asphalt tripping almost over everything, sometimes stumbling and regaining my balance and sometimes falling face flat in the ground.

     My feet hurt after having stepping on sharp pieces of stone with only clothing for shoes with no support. I see a small family run towards the tubes getting shot up into the air with a gust of wind while a giant rock breaks through the green glass hitting the last tube as it goes up, it shatters into a million pieces in the sky falling all over the ground and me. I see the mom looking down trying to hold back her tears while she stares back up into the sun knowing she will be safe with what's left of her family. I look up to see the green dome that used to protect the glass shells, was now being shattered by stone and other heavy objects. The green dome making what used to be our home, was now shattering to pieces like someone dropping a snow globe.

     It keeps shattering by the minute falling all over me and the ground and hitting the tubes but not with enough force to break them. I wasn't paying attention to my feet while watching the big green globe explode, so one last time while running and I fall over a pile of small debris my face hitting the floor, while looking up I am stunned to see a small kid from my neighborhood shoot up in the last glass tube. I stand below it staring up at the sky knowing this will be my final moments on earth. I sit on the ground sitting on small pieces of glass that rip my clothing. I roll myself up in a ball and try to hold back the tears, putting my head I between my knees.

     I know my mom, dad, and little brother are up there waiting for me to be shot up in a tube. As they push themselves forward to the front of the crowd hoping to see me, they then see a kid they knew from our neighborhood being released from the last tube walking on the soft metal floor trying to find his family. I see my mom crying and telling my dad they have to tell the pilots to go and save me. While my dad is holding her back and my brother is clutching my moms arm not knowing what is happening, for he is only three. I see my mom then finally come to her senses and walk backwards back by my dad while he strokes her light brown hair back as a single tear lets go of his eye, trying to hold it together for his strength of my family.

     I hold my head up, eyes still closed, and remember my dad would always do my hair with such gentle hands, while my mom stood and watched hoping one day she could do my hair. They always raised me as I wanted to be raised, not like all the other families getting random children received to their doorsteps and just taking them in hoping they where their child and not some strangers, but most of the time being strangers. My parents took me in and they always thought I was theirs when I had the same light brown thick hair and blue eyes as my moms.

     The Governor would take in the children when someone had a baby to make Sure they wouldn't be treated badly. When my mom had me they already filed and asked to have a baby and after just having me they got what they wanted a baby, only one day old. After all these thoughts flood my head I open my eyes tears steadily rolling down my checks falling onto my Knees. I still see the sun shinning through all the dust and rock debris.

     I stare at the Rock debris and dust imaging they where fireworks. We only had fireworks once a year in July, they would light up the street as everyone gathered around them the lights would burst in their eyes, loud noises would come from them leaving behind a gunpowder smell. We where a poor family so I never went to school and never understood why we only did this firework display in July. I remember teaching myself how to read and write and teaching my family, but having nothing to read or nothing to write with I only thought in my head the things I could do if I had a piece of paper and a pencil.

     I start to rock myself back and forth hoping I will die a short death. I am still looking up at the sky when a giant rock falls right beside me forcing a big dent in the ground making cement fly and a big cloud of dust fill the remains of the green dome, covering me in it. I just sit looking at it staring when another rock falls, smaller but right in front of me this time. I start to to set hands and the ground and push myself to the bigger rock hands getting cut by the glass and cement. Resting my back against the rock laying my head against looking towards the sky as rocks start falling my way.

     I have no idea what started this chaos of falling buildings or if it will ever end so I just sit peacefully knowing I will never be able to answer my questions. More and more small and big rocks fall by the minute, I feel like I am being hypnotized as rocks fall getting closer and closer to me. I close eyes gently blinking and take a deep breathe trying to relax and not panic and run, because there is no where I can run, we are completely surrounded by water and there's no getting out unless u have a boat, which are probably gone after people taking them not wanting to be stuck up in space their whole life.

As my eyes are shut I hear the thumping of the rocks against the floor and feel them as it shakes the floor. I feel dust pressing against my eyes trying to push into them, as it fills up my nostrils I cough trying to get the dusty air out of my lungs, and trying to get the the terrible smell of dusty rock out of my system. I slowly fall to my side and pull up my knees to my chin, small rocks start hitting my body as I gently drift away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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