The Move~Chapter 4

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"so we have decide to put you on panthers, we wanted to have you on cheetahs but we have already reached our limit of people on that team. But panthers is a really good team, you will fly because you are to small to base" he smiled

"ok when's the first practice?" I asked

"tomorrow from 5:00-9:00" he smiled

"ok I'll be there" I nodded getting up

I walk out of the office and see Caleb waiting for me by the trampoline. I walk over and sit down next to him.

" so what team are you on?" He asked

"Panthers" I sighed

"awe I wish you were on cheetahs." He frowned

"I know I'm so used to coed teams , but oh well I can't do anything about it" I told him

"ya I guess, so your coming to open gym later right?" He asked

"uhm sure I guess" I agreed

"well there's like 1 hour until then so do you want to walk to Starbucks it's right next door?" He asked

"ya sure" I smiled

"ok I'll ask some people from the gym to come" He smiled getting up

"that would be great" I agreed

We reached Starbucks and we walked in an everyone said hi to Caleb, he must come here a lot. We ordered our drinks, and sat down. A few minutes later 4 girls and the most beautiful boy I've ever seen walk in. They are all wearing cheer athletics clothing.

They all walk up and say hi to Caleb Caleb introduces all of them to me, their names are Jamie, Peyton, Reagan, Carly, and Matt.

"so madi you were on Smoed?" Jamie asked

"yes I was" I nodded

"that's so cool, is it fun being on Smoed?" Peyton asked

"ya it's really fun, but it's also really hard." I laughed

"I can't even imagine" Reagan said

"it can't be that hard, she's just over exaggerating!" Carly shot

"I'm serious it's a lot of work, most people end up crying, puking, sometimes even passing out" I told her

"maybe it's just because your a baby" she spat

"Carly stop being so mean, she's not doing anything to you" Matt said rolling his eyes

"whatever" She snapped getting up and storming out with Jamie, Payton, and Reagan behind her.

"do I already have enemies?" I frowned

"don't worry about them Carly is just threatened by you, and the other three follow Carly everywhere." He said sending me a reassuring smile

"ya they will get to know you and like you, don't worry. Well let's get back to the gym" Caleb smiled standing up

"ok" I nodded standing up

We were back at the gym and I had the need to call someone.

"Ill be right back I have to call someone" I told Caleb

"ok" he nodded going on the tramp to tumble

I walk out if the Pygmy and pulled my iPad out. I haven't talked to my smoed team in forever. I really miss them. The iPad says connecting and I feel my eyes start to water. All of a sudden I see Robert, jenee, gabi, Joey, and Michaeleddie.

"hey guys!!!" I smiled

"madi cakes!!! We miss you so much, how's Texas?" He asked

"I miss you too, and Texas is ok, I'm pretty sure I'm already hated." I frowned

"there just jealous, I mean your beautiful, your a 3x world champ, and you know me!" He smiled

"haha oh Robert, hi jenee" I smiled at her

"hi madi" she said and ran out if the room in tears

"what's wrong with jenee, is she mad at me, I'm so sorry" I said worried

"don't worry madi, she's been like this ever since you left, if we say your name she crys. I guess just seeing you on the screen, and finally talking to you again freaked her out." Michael Eddie explained

"ya she'll be ok though, Robert went to help her, anyway why do these people hate you?" Joey asked

"I guess Carly manning is threatened by because she thinks I'm going to take her spot, I don't want to make enemies, no one likes me here, I want to come home" I cried

"Madi calm down it's ok you will get through it Carly doesn't hate you she just doesn't know the real you" Gabi said calming me down

"I guess your right" I sniffed

I glanced up when I heard the door open from the gym. I watch as Caleb walked out and sitting down next to me.

"madi what's wrong, why are you crying?" He asked

"nothing I'm fine I had something in my eye, I'm sorry I can't stay for open gym, I...I...I'm not feeling very good" I nervously said while I ended the FaceTime call

"Oh ok I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well see you tomorrow then" he said giving me a hug

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