Drown it out

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It was unusually rainy, even for a day in England. No sun, no birds chirping, just... gloomy. It set the mood for the day. There's hardly anyone mad enough to be outside right now, all resorting to the cars and homes. The occasional brit would pass me, umbrella in hand, giving me eyes full of pity as if they could read my mind as easy as they could a novel. I needed time to think about everything, so much just happened and I need to clear my head before returning home to my girlfriend Clarissa. She's beyond gorgeous, blue eyes, curly light brown hair and freckles that would leave you counting for days. I got lucky to have such a kind lady at my side but lately she's been becoming a stranger to me. At one point, she was everything to me and I even claimed it was love but four years later, I'm not so sure. It shouldn't be this way, I'm an awful boyfriend for even thinking of throwing away everything over a simple fight. But it's not just a simple fight today. It feels like everyday it's another fight, another walk through London, more rage filled thoughts swarming my mind, and more pity filled glances, all finishing at Joe and Caspar's place. 

Joe and I have been friends since our Uni days. We both went to school in London and instantly clicked. We had the same tastes in everything from our sense of humor to what we do from day to day. One year, not even being able to choose, we became roommates, sharing everything from our bed to our food. It just made sense that we became so close so quickly. We're best friends, no one in my life has ever been here for me through so much and been so important to me. The guy's my family.

My phone started ringing and I instantly lit up at the photo of me, Caspar and Joe at the beach. I clicked the green button and brought the phone to my ears. "Hey mate." I said coolly.

"Jack come to the hospital, Joe was sent to A&E. I need you here and so does he, I'll give you details when you're actually here." Caspar's distressed voice sent me into a panic.  

"On my way." and with that I hung up and called for an Uber sparing no time in goodbyes. 

Caspar and Joe were also close, sometimes leaving me jealous. I mean, I understand why I'm not roomies with him after graduating, it's not that he didn't want me to live with him, that was the initial plan. But Clarissa came into my life and it just seemed more proper of me to be living with her. So instead, Caspar took my place. It shouldn't bother me, I'm constantly over their house to play FIFA and pull pranks anyway. I even occasionally sleep over and share his bed, a habit that never really broke after University.

The Uber driver parked the vehicle and I ran out of the car nearly tripping myself in the process. My stomach hasn't settled since the phone call and if my adrenaline wasn't so high right now I would probably be hugging a bin to my chest to relieve myself of the discomfort. 

"Hi, excuse me, do you know where my mate Joe Sugg's room is?" The grey haired receptionist clicked away and looked to me before responding.

"ICU, room 4. It's on the third floor, take a left when you're off the lift and it's a few rooms down the hall." She gave me a weak smile which I returned before speed walking to the lifts. The first person I see when I enter the room is hardly recognizable. He looks very broken and worn. His breath was hardly even as he slept away. I turn to see a stressed looking Caspar who looks at me with fear in his eyes. 

"They say he will be ok, but he will very likely have some complications. He hit his head multiple times in a car accident. For now he has to rest, his body went through a lot today and it needs time to heal. He has both legs broken and an arm." We both ended up tearing up at that point. It couldn't be any easier for the blonde to say than it was for me to hear. Joe was so frail looking with casts and machines covering his body. I reached for his castless hand, careful to avoid the IV attached and just watched him sleep. 

"I'm just glad he's still here with us." In all honestly, I can't imagine a life without him.

"Me too." Caspar agreed. Silence fell over us.

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